View Full Version : HPV positive and low grade abnormal cells

27-06-21, 14:50

I recently had a smear test come back as HPV high risk positive and low grade abnormal cells. This was my first smear test and I was vaccinated in school so it was a bit of a shock :scared15:

My letter says that I will get a referral for a hospital appointment (Coloscopy). My health anxiety keeps making me freak out that the smear test was wrong and that the abnormal cells are actually high grade, or that they have progressed to high grade in the 2 months since my smear (silly i know they are slow growing). But I feel I wont be able to relax until I have been checked over which can take up to 8 weeks.

My mum actually had high grade cells removed when she was just 21, she then also had a 2nd lot removed. So, it is freaking me out a bit that this hasn't been picked up untill I am 25. Feeling angry that I have been told not to worry because I have been vaccinated and that is why the age was made higher, yet I have still got a high risk strain that has caused abnormal cells.

I know this is common and cervical cancer is the most preventable cancer. But I don't know how to stop convincing myself its a death sentence. Also because I am such an anxious person I know this is not good for the immune system. I am gonna give up alcohol and keen taking my vitamins but I don't know how to stop freaking out about it.

Any advice much appreciated.

Also as a health anxiety sufferer... cannot help freaking out about other HPV related cancers. Anal, throat, vulva etc even tho i know these are very rare in my age group and cervical cancer is the most common HPV related cancer, I always convince myself i will be the exception to 'most'.

27-06-21, 17:39
If they have said not to worry it means they are not concerned and just following routine guidelines.

I've had low grade cells before and it was basically a watch and wait situation with more frequent smears until the cells returned back to normal.

Keep reassuring yourself. If you haven't had help for you HA, maybe look into it?

27-06-21, 22:39
Thank you so much for your reply. It is really reassuring to know that in your case the cells returned back to normal by themselves. Sorry, when i said not to worry, I meant health professionals attitude about cervical cancer in general, due to having had the jab and being young i have always been told to just go for my smears and not to worry because it was near impossible, so i was left upset by my first smear coming back as abnormal. It was more me venting that I don't agree with the age of the first smear in the UK being 25 and also the lack of education surrounding HPV. It literally blows my mind that my boyfriend can't even get tested :(

But you are so right that I need help with my health anxiety. I think it is stressful for anyone to be told they are HPV positive / have abnormal cells, but me jumping to conclusions is my health anxiety talking. ugh. Its such a horrible cycle.

I am super nervous for the coloscopy but also the wait for an appointment is driving me mental. </3

28-06-21, 18:33
Hey, I had the same thing. Absolutely terrified me as well! Had the colposcopy twice after two mild abnormal results with HPV. My most recent smear was normal, so was just a case of them monitoring, then just went away I guess.
The nurses I had were lovely and made me feel really relaxed, talked me through it all. I know how scary it is but they do it all day every day, and just remember it's purely for prevention, so just keep that in mind! Hope you're OK x

04-07-21, 04:20
I just wanted to share my experience of HPV and abnormal cells.

I had an abnormal smear and HPV when I was 28 (my first smear at 25 was normal). I had a colposcopy which showed I had CIN2 cells and then had LLETZ treatment and biopsy which showed the worst was CIN3 but that they had cleared the abnormal part.

6 months later they did the usual follow up smear - came back normal so I was put back onto the 3 year rotation.

3 years later at 31 my smear was negative for HPV.

I’m having another smear at 34 in a few weeks. I’ve never missed a smear and never intend to but I just wanted to try to put your mind at rest with my experience.

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23-07-21, 14:39
Hi Thank you so much for your replies and sharing your own experiences. I went for my first colposcopy. I was told it is suspected to be CIN1 but because it surrounds the whole of my cervix they did a biopsy to be sure. I get the results in 4 weeks so will keep you updated :) They said if it is confirmed CIN1 then it will be a follow up smear in 1 year. They said if its CIN2 they will ask me to come back in 6 months for a colposcopy as they tend to put off treatment as long as possible in my age group (I am currently 24, turning 25 next month).