View Full Version : Lump on scalp

27-06-21, 15:59
Over the past couple of weeks I'd noticed that a lump had appeared on the left side of my scalp, just above my ear. I thought nothing of it because I have a small sebaceous cyst on the other side of my scalp just behind the top of my ear.

However, yesterday eveningI decided to ask one of my boys to look at this new lump for me & he photographed it. I was shocked to see it was very red whereas my cyst is skin coloured.

It's probably slightly smaller than a petit-pois (smaller than a garden pea), hard & immovable.

I showed my Wife this morning who suggested I get it checked out.

Over the past year or so, on & off I've suffered from itchy/sore red patches on my scalp for which I've used T-Gel shampoo & moisturiser, which soothes it for a while & sometimes it disappears for a while. These aren't hard lumps like I've now got but I don't know if this is connected.

I will be contacting my GP surgery in the morning to arrange for it to be looked at but I'm now worried sick it's a cancerous growth.

Has anyone here had anything similar & can provide reassurance/advice?

27-06-21, 17:24
I'm a very cysty/spotty person. I get either/both anywhere imaginable. So I'm not an expert but have a lot of personal experience. If it was me I would think it was either a spot (even at that size) or the start of a cyst. I'm leaning towards spot as it's red although I have had cysts before that have been red. Or it could actually be red if you've been poking/rubbing it.

Have you been using moisturiser on your scalp recently? If so it would be very possible that you could have a blocked pore hence developing a spot.

With your scalp problem - I've also had this during periods of stress/anxiety. I always find Head and shoulders sensitive works for me. I always continue using it for a long time after the problem has resolved and as soon as I get the first tickle I start using it again. Fortunately I haven't had it for a long time, unfortunately now I get it in my ears!

Hope some of that helps

27-06-21, 18:15
Thank you for your advice Catkins. It has put my mind at rest somewhat.

I have used moisturiser on my scalp in that area, due to the dry skin, so you may well be right about having a blocked pore.

With regards to my scalp, as I said I use T-Gel when it's bad then an own brand anti dandruff shampoo in between. Following your advice, though, I'll give that H&S a try.

I too suffer from dry, itchy skin in my ears. However, after having it for around a year I decided to mention it to the doctor who prescribed Otomize ear spray, which has basically cleared it up.

Like you, my skin is worse during times of stress/anxiety, which seems to be most of the time with me!

I'll see what the doctor's opinion is on the lump when I see them & will post again.

27-06-21, 19:50
Get GP opinion and then the hard part - BeLIEVE them. Keep us posted, well done for getting it checked. x

27-06-21, 20:10
Get GP opinion and then the hard part - BeLIEVE them. Keep us posted, well done for getting it checked. x

Yes, will do.

28-06-21, 13:37
Just an interim update. I spoke to GP this morning who asked me to send photos. Having seen these the GP said she wants to see me in person for further assessment & has given me an appointment for Wednesday morning.

Today, it's not as much of a lump & is more of a raised, red, dry, scaly patch. It's about 0.5cm in width & has an irregular shape.

30-06-21, 14:37
Well, I saw the GP this morning & she said she that having seen it in flesh wasn't concerned & believes it's most likely a cyst that will go in the next month. If not she'll refer me to a dermatologist. PHEW!!!

30-06-21, 21:10
Excellent news!