View Full Version : Pain all over.

27-06-21, 21:44
Since about January I’ve not felt great at all, constant sweating, feeling really down, tired, weak, I’ve also been having pain all over my body, it’s so hard to describe the feeling the best way I can is like a burning but tingling pain, in my hands, arms, elbows, upper back, lower back, legs…

Its really getting me down and I’ve fully convinced myself I’m dying, it’s bothering people around me too as I’m constantly seeking for reassurance, I’m scared and have got myself to the point where I don’t even want to fall asleep incase I don’t wake up in the morning…

I’ve never felt so bad and with all the different symptoms I’m having I’m finding it hard to just put it down to a simple problem, I’ve spoke to a doctor and they say I’m fine but I know they don’t take me seriously anymore:weep::weep:, I can’t blame them really…

Also still impossible to see a therapist face to face… but I’m past thinking this is due to my mental health.

28-06-21, 08:23
What have you diagnosed yourself with, Jess?

28-06-21, 08:47
Its really getting me down and I’ve fully convinced myself I’m dying, it’s bothering people around me too as I’m constantly seeking for reassurance, I’m scared and have got myself to the point where I don’t even want to fall asleep incase I don’t wake up in the morning…

If it helps, I've been imminently dying for the best part of 50 years...

Carking it in my sleep? I'd take that! Zero comprehension - straight into the next room. Or into nothing - depending on what your personal belief is on what happens after death. Either way, it's not the worst way to go - and we do all have to go one day!

I'm not being flippant here. It's just that, after a lifetime of being scared, I decided that I didn't want to be scared anymore and I worked hard to achieve it..

Also still impossible to see a therapist face to face… but I’m past thinking this is due to my mental health.

The symptoms you describe sound remarkably how I am most days? I have fibromyalgia - which is life affecting rather than life limiting. I've also seen (and experienced) these symptoms due to anxiety and also with the menopause (hormone imbalance) and vitamin/mineral deficiencies - common with getting older. And also (I'm presuming your username is your actual age) as we get older, our systems are less tolerant of certain foods and drinks etc. Some women have these symptoms totally go away just by tweaking their diets to dairy and gluten free. You don't need to be allergic to these to be sensitive to them - even if you've historically been able to tolerate them without any issues..

Have you had any tests done? Blood tests etc?

28-06-21, 13:43
Hey, thanks for replying to me, I’m 24.

in January I had bloods tests for CRP, ESR, kidneys, liver, iron, b12, thyroid and full blood count and blood sugar level as they thought I had meningitis, turns out I didn’t but my white blood cells were slightly low so I retested all these blood tests in April and they were all good except I had slightly low iron not enough to require supplements.

Ive never been the type to get hot flushes, then next minute be really sensitive to cold but still be sweating, really odd, also feeling sick and weak and shaky, and pain I could deal with a lot of pain and it never bothered me, so I get panicked when I get these symptoms and feel there’s something really wrong with me :doh:

28-06-21, 14:19
So what do you think is wrong with you? What is your worst fear?

I have constant upper body burning pain after having pleurisy. Could you have had a virus which has left you with this chronic pain? In view of your low white blood cells? You don't have any inflammatory markers in your blood and neither do I.

28-06-21, 19:26
I’ve had a lump and pain in my stomach for over a year so I guess I’m putting it all together and in my mind I’ve got cancer and it’s spread all over, typing it makes me feel so silly, but it’s just how I feel, I know I won’t be able to sleep tonight as the pain is horrible and I’ll be scared.

28-06-21, 19:45
So what does your GP say about the lump?

28-06-21, 19:51
They haven’t actually felt it because it comes and goes I did manage to send them a picture of it and they sent me for a ultrasound thinking it could be a hernia, but ultrasound was all clear and they left it at that.

28-06-21, 19:52
cancer doesn't come and go though.

29-06-21, 08:10
As Pulisa says, cancer doesn't come and go. It just keeps growing unless there's medical intervention..

The viral idea is a good one actually? Have you had a virus recently? Or an operation? Or a traumatic experience?

The dip in white blood cells could well have been a virus - especially as it went back up to normal later on.

Do you have more pain than fatigue?

Anxiety can be solely responsible for symptoms like those, for sure, but it could be something like I have - fibromyalgia - in which case it doesn't currently show up in tests and imaging. There are several points on your body which will be sensitive and that, combined with your symptom history etc, is how they diagnose it. There's also Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - again it's a matter of elimination but this is more fatigue based, than pain.

I've had so many symptoms with my fibro, anxiety and hormone imbalance - it's hard to know what's what sometimes...

What's clear though, is that you do have health anxiety and that needs addressing with therapy..

29-06-21, 13:10
I could have literally wrote this myself.

For the last 8 weeks I have been experiencing fatigue, muscle aches - shoulders, arms, wrists hands, legs and feet and feeling really weak.
I was feeling worn down and achy the week before I had my Covid jab but then 2 days after I had the jab the above symptoms went through the roof and I spent 2 weeks in bed, I took myself to the walk in medical centre and was told that it was just side effects from the Covid jab and that I should just rest and the symptoms will go away but after 8 weeks they are still the same.

I have gone from someone that goes to the gym 3 times a week, plays drums in a metal band twice a week and just generally being on the go to struggling to do anything remotely physical without experiencing major fatigue and muscle aches/cramps afterwards and having to lie in bed resting all the time. I get calf and feet pain just from using the pedals in my car on the way to work.

I have suffered with anxiety and depression for 20 years now and have had so many different symptoms over the years but never anything that has lasted this long and it has in turn sent my anxiety and depression through the roof, I literally spend all my time either at work or lying in bed resting feeling rough which is really effecting my home life with my wife and kids. I try my best to not let it rule me by pushing myself to workout even when I am feeling rough and while I am working out I feel ok but a few hours after the muscle aches and fatigue kick back in.

Ive done endless Covid tests as a lot of my symptoms seem to match them but they have all been negative, I am booked in for Blood tests in 2 weeks so I am just struggling each day until then so I can find out if anything shows up.

I'm in a constant battle with myself trying to work out if there is something physically wrong with me or whether my anxiety and depression is causing all this.

29-06-21, 17:00
Hi I can relate to a lot of this and definitely don't feel myself at moment. Always had lots of energy despite anxiety issues but had a pretty stressful couple of years which has probably taken its toll. Was at docs a few weeks ago and had blood tests and these were clear. So just going to try and ride it out if things don't get any worse, rather than go to docs with shopping list of multiple symptoms . Hope you find answers.