View Full Version : anxiety

09-02-05, 18:24
hi i was wondering if there is a topic onn here for confidence, as apparently i read some where that confidence plays a great part if you feel confident in yourself then lesser the anxiety. i was wondering nicola or anyone who might have some idea on this maybe we all join in some kind of a course and start it together. just thought it was an idea but i havent got a clue how to get the info myself. so i was wondering maybe nic or some one else who can get that sort of info and put it together and make a course out of it.
hope this doesnt sound to stupid just thought it would be a good idea helping each other.


09-02-05, 18:37
thats a good idea as it definately takes away your confidence when your not feeling good about yourself and self esteem hits a real low

fan x

09-02-05, 19:05
hello there,

It is true that confidence can disappear when suffering from anxiety. However, I do think that everyone is different and I'm not sure exactly what a course would or should involve. I don't think that it's something you can teach as such, moreso something that individuals need to work on alone. Let's see what Nic says though..

Sarah :D

09-02-05, 19:14
Hi Tracy

I think what Sarah is saying is right, we are all different and it would be difficult to issue some kind of course on confidence. At the same time, a bit guidance on gaining confidence would be a good thing, could do with a bit of this confidence stuff myself :D.

Whilst on the subject, although maybe a little off topic, I've been looking for information on self-consciousness (I suffer from it quite a lot) but it seems that no one really ever covers it. Anyone know where I can find such information?


09-02-05, 19:23
I was never blessed with much confidence and maybe that doesn't help in an anxiety disorder situation.

But I feel I have more than I used to. I put that down to being more adventurous in what I do.

I wonder if you could capitalise on something you are fairly good at, and work on that.

We all have talents (some hidden). Try and show your skills to others and you may get some positive feedback, and in time gain enough confidence to confront a larger audience.

Once I was appointed President of our local trade union branch. This meant I HAD to speak at retirement presentations, preside over a formal lunch sitting next to the town's Mayor etc. I hated that, but I'm sure it made me more confident. But you know there are many celebrities that feel nervous going on stage etc.

Maybe your disorder does not bode well for gaining confidence just yet, but try it in small steps when you can. Its difficult, but sometimes its just a case of just being brave.


09-02-05, 20:25
hi all its all true we are all individuals with different problems so it will hard to judge how we all will succeed. i joined this free course today it is for about 6wks its called www.selfconfidence.co.uk it is a tutorial basically it makes you understand were you are going wrong. have a look for yourselves and see. i find that when your confidence is bad then you feel bad and everything seems worthless we all get down . i noticed in myself when things go wrong i handle things in different ways, normally i'm not a very confident person always bringing myself down, but when in a crisis i can handle the situation which is my CONFIDENCE stepping in. what i haven't been able to make my confidence do is break the cycle of fear thats what i want to be able to do is stand up with confidence and stop it from happening if you get my drift. that is were my confidence faulters . if we were all completley confident then we wouldnt have mental illness. so yes confidence plays a very big part in our lives. so i am asking nicola to see if she can find any info that we can all try out and see how we get on .



09-02-05, 20:30
HI GUYS SORRY THE WEBSITE ADDRESS IS www.self-confidence.co.uk