View Full Version : Aching thighs

02-07-21, 11:16
Can anxiety make your thighs ache for no reason?

They feel like when coming down with a bug but I’m not poorly. I have had severe health anxiety for the past few weeks and feel emotionally drained and tired but keep getting really achey thighs? Bit concerned really

02-07-21, 15:32
Anxiety can make any bit of us ache. I'm particularly prone to tension in my chest which until I realised, I thought was heart problems. I wonder if you think about it, have you been sitting a certain way at your computer, or been up more stairs than usual? We tense up without even realising it so yes, muscles often are affected...

02-07-21, 15:33
Just found this! https://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/leg-pain#:~:text=Muscle%20Tension%20Muscle%20tension%2 0is,can%20leave%20legs%20feeling%20achy.