View Full Version : Anxiety and Poor Memory.

04-07-21, 06:14
Hi i have not posted for a while on NMP as i have been quite well and have been avoiding too much time on my computer as it can be detrimental to me as i find it sets of my OCD and health anxiety ie excessive searches and searching for symptoms.

I am quite worried at the moment about my short term memory as i have had several instances at work where i get information and amounts mixed up and i have to take longer to recall info especially if it is more than one subject so i write it down . I make excuses to my boss that i am slightly dyslexic to cover up mistakes which i know is wrong i cannot bring myself to say that i suffer from anxiety and depression and that i take medication for that ( Citalopram 40 mg) . I am worse when i am tired and have had been working long hours which my job entails and sometimes go for weeks without a day off as its on a ship merchant ship.

I understand with long term anxiety memory and concentration can be a problem the brain is processing or even dealing with anxiety along with with other day to day tasks , i just wondered if citalopram has an effect on this and if anybody on here had any tips or websites that could help . Thanks :blush:

07-07-21, 09:47
Hi, I'm sure by now you've searched the site for your drug's SEs.

Two things: one, I've observed that almost everyone I know is going through this at the moment. One of my daughters is a Neuroscientist and she thinks the whole Pandemic situation has had an effect on everyone's cognition.

Second, I do get what you say about not telling them at work, but it's a shame because
a) it betrays a sense of not quite accepting it yourself (and personally I found that so liberating) and
b) they would want to know and legally need to make reasonable adjustments if needed.

I know some people just aren't approachable and I am NOT criticising you. My boss was lovely though and it's taken a huge extra load off me to know that if needed I COULD just tell her that I can't cope today. Paradoxically, it makes me feel I can.

I actually mentioned it at an online training and when someone said I was 'brave' to have said I had just gone onto Prozac I said, "Well it's only like saying I needed a Lemsip for the flu!" And the more I hear myself say it, the more I believe it.

IMHO we'd have to be pretty abnormal NOT to have MH issues in today's world, and I am a Christian who believes in a loving God. Even so, I'm glad s/he led someone to invent Prozac! ;)

07-07-21, 21:00
Thanks for you reply Speranza

i agree with you on informing employers of your mental health status and i have done that in the past, . I spoke to my company Doctor about my medication and my GAD diagnosis during my Medical ,he gave me a questionnaire to fill out and told me to be positive which is good advice i suppose . Onboard Merchant Ships in UK by law you must declare all your medications and i don't always do that maybe i am still feeling a stigma and wish to hide my condition.

I must face up to some of this and be more proactive the more people who share and talk about mental health maybe the stigma will decrease and employers will realize helping employees with stress and anxiety is for everybody's benefit ..

I think for myself this is a life long condition and i am still learning and adapting and i am improving everyday, with being older and from a different generation i had to overcome some prejudices in my own mind .. :)

07-07-21, 21:14
I'm in my sixties and would agree that the older generation find it more difficult to talk to others about their mental health issues.

07-07-21, 23:08
I'm in my sixties too! What are we like???? ;) x

08-07-21, 06:32
I recommend asking this on the Meds board because panic_down_under will give you an answer including references to various scientific studies and journals which might shed light on the meds impact on this area I.e. impact of increased availability of serotonin and Neuro genesis on memory, concentration, cognition, etc.

10-07-21, 19:15
Thanks for the replies I will look into studies on citalopram as I have been on it for roughly 10 years with a few breaks in that decade . I would like to at least reduce my dosage to 20 mg .I have always been absent minded even as a child and I managed to cope then , I just get anxious about it which of course makes it worse. 😀
There is always something new to get anxious about but at least I work it out now and try to not get depressed...

Stay Safe😷