View Full Version : Father taken to A&E after gastric issues - I'm worried

04-07-21, 12:19
I posted previously that my elderly father had been admitted to A&E after a hip fracture. After successful surgery and and post-op care he was discharged to home 3 days ago and was progressing well.

Last night, after a couple of mouthfuls of dinner, he started bringing up frothy spittle for nearly 2 hours and later said he chest discomfort - we called paramedics who assessed him and took him to A&E. They seemed to think it was oesophageal/reflux related but were talking about a 'bundle'?? He was admitted to an assessment ward during the night, and then started to throw up and his bowels loosened (I won't go into details but you can imagine). Sounded to me as if he had had a huge panic attack as he was a bit trembly afterwards.

Doctors are doing tests but we still don't know what is wrong with him - he has had similar episodes before but we can't seem to get to the bottom of it. I suspect that it is the rice he was eating that has irritated him but I'm no doctor.

Trying to support my mum who was in the hospital with him all night - I've had no sleep last night (he's is 100 miles away) and I'm too stressed to drive up there.Can get train up in the morning but until then.... really stressed out again after a month of anxiety with his hospital stays and the wards not allowing me to see him.

04-07-21, 13:58
It must be very worrying and waiting for tests to be completed is so stressful. At least he is in hospital under the watchful eyes of the staff so that any further episodes can be treated asap.

Get the train tomorrow and don't give yourself added pressure by driving. Your mum will be so pleased to see you whilst you both wait for news.

My dad suffered from dysphagia and a pharyngeal pouch which gave him frequent choking fits. It's a horrible experience for the sufferer and for those witnessing it and I'm not surprised that your dad was very traumatised..along with your mum of course.

I do hope you get some answers very soon. You'll be with your mum tomorrow:hugs:

04-07-21, 15:22
I appreciate the support Pulisa.

He has had a couple of similar episodes and the last one landed in A&E for observation. They didn't find anything amiss that time, just put down to acid reflux, but you are always wondering what if it really is something serious. He has had a month of hospital after his fracture op, then the rehab ward (where the nurses witnessed him throwing up bile and said it was noting to worry about). Last night he was chewing his meds rather than trying to swallow them so it could be an anxiety-related thing that has knocked him up. He doesn't choke as such, just brings up frothy spittle and bile.

Just want to get him home again and away from the hospital environment which seems to be winding him up.

05-07-21, 19:58
Hope they get to the bottom of it soon & he’s feeling better.

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06-07-21, 13:03
Hope they get to the bottom of it soon & he’s feeling better.

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Thanks for enquiring Scass - he's is currently on a gastroenterology ward undergoing tests. Hospital says that he is comfortable and I now that he is eating and and moving about - other than that they do keep banging on about his age, frailty etc (he's 89) and making us very anxious. Don't know if this is just hospital policy and jargon or whether they are just being generally non-committal. I can't even get to see him as they will only allow my mum on the ward. My mum fearing some awful outcome.

All very worrying.

06-07-21, 13:54
Hey dorabella, sorry to hear this. It must be a very difficult time for you at the moment. I'm sure it's good news that he's eating and moving about. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.

06-07-21, 14:27
Well I'm no expert Wired - but I thought it was good that he is eating and the physio is coming and getting him moving. Just the hospital environment and language always leaves you feeling anxious and unsure of what to expect.

06-07-21, 16:39
Just spoke to my dad an hour ago on one of those infernal ward mobile things (which cuts you off after 2 minutes) and he was quite chipper having just finished his lunch. My mum just called and has said that he is being discharged to home - which is encouraging news - but I have to say that the discharge procedure is chaotic.

They have asked if he is able to get home OK - this for an elderly man recently recovering from a fractured hip who cannot possibly get into a car or a taxi. He was brought into the hospital by the paramedics in an ambulance and wheelchair ... and they should be organising the same for him to be brought home. I'm lost for words.

But thanks to you all for your replies and the encouraging messages ,,, just going to sort the hospital out now!!

06-07-21, 16:58
That’s good news, hope you get him home ok.

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06-07-21, 17:51
Very good news that he's being discharged. I hope arranging the transport home doesn't involve excessive hassle but I'm sure you're prepared for a delay!

07-07-21, 17:31
Good news!!

07-07-21, 19:37
We got him home in one piece after my mum took the nurses to task - she won't take any cr*p from them. Ambulance allowed her to travel in the van with him.

I despair at some aspects of the NHS - they certainly haven't been practising their service of care ethics.