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View Full Version : Dizziness and Abnormal CT Scan

04-07-21, 16:47
I've had my health anxiety under pretty good control for the last couple of years, but recently I've had some dizziness that's really made it flare up again. I visited my GP and she thought it was BVVP (basically some crystals in my ear were out of place and causing the dizziness) and referred me to a physical therapist to help put them back in to place. The physical therapist was a total disaster and couldn't seem to figure out what was going on and told me I might have a brain tumor. Cue ANXIETY! An ER visit later (thanks health anxiety) and I received the following results from my CT Scan:

The head CT shows no intracranial hemorrhage, extra-axial fluid collection or mass lesion. Mild bilateral deep white matter hypodensities are present, greater in the left parietal lobe suggesting chronic small vessel ischemic changes. A focus of acute infarct is not completely excluded. The ventricles are normal in size and shape. The basal ganglia and posterior fossa appear unremarkable.
Mild vascular calcifications are present. The mastoid air cells and paranasal sinuses appear clear. No acute soft tissue or bony abnormality detected.

Clearly, no brain tumor, but I'm terrified by the abnormal results. The ER doctor seemed pretty sure that I just have BVVP, but mentioned I should follow up with my doctor about the CT Scan. I'm over a week out from my appointment and I'm completely spiraling into the pit of health anxiety. Any advice on how to get through this week or reassurance would be so helpful

04-07-21, 17:25
Sorry you are going through this worry.

First thing that I would say is that you mention that there is no brain tumour. Before your ct scan I think you might have taken that. Try to think positively.

Second thing... Don't google. It will only make you more anxious. Try to find distractions.

Whilst it is understandable that you are worried, worrying just makes things worse. Worrying doesn't make things better. You need to find a way to not worry. Try and do something you like to do and don't research your results.

Maybe see if you can find an appointment sooner, however in the meantime just try and distract yourself.

I hope I haven't come across as insensitive and I hope you feel better amd get the OK soon

04-07-21, 18:10
I just went through this period of waiting for results and it really is tough. I was a zombie most days but tried to do normal things. Even a 10 meditation, go for a walk... taking to a friend helps me most. I agree, stay away from Google. Do you follow Dr Kirren? She has some really great advice on what to do while waiting for results. Look her up on FB/Instagram. Thinking of you!!

04-07-21, 20:34
Clearly, no brain tumor, but I'm terrified by the abnormal results. The ER doctor seemed pretty sure that I just have BVVP, but mentioned I should follow up with my doctor about the CT Scan. I'm over a week out from my appointment and I'm completely spiraling into the pit of health anxiety. Any advice on how to get through this week or reassurance would be so helpful

As you know, no-one on here will be able to say that there is nothing wrong, however I think the below may help you.

I've highlighted in red items from your message that I think may be worth you remembering when you start to worry. As for the follow-up it makes sense that they want to follow up an abnormal result. This doesn't mean that it has to be the worst case scenario.

I hope you get some peace of mind soon and the all clear.

04-07-21, 21:32
Thank you both for your words of encouragement, pav1984 and sel123. I'll definitely take a look at Dr. Kirren's site.

It sounds silly, but it so helps to talk with people who understand health anxiety. Thank you!