View Full Version : Health anxiety - stroke / brain aneurysm

05-07-21, 11:45
Hi all

New here, but not new to anxiety. I’ve suffered from it on and off since I was 18. The trigger was a caffeine overdose after my drinks were spiked with pro plus. It’s been a slippery ride since then.

Over the past few years, I’ve managed to master it and control it. Long walks, rationalising with my brain and breathing through. This allowed me to stop the medication and live a pretty normal life.

However there is a history coronary artery diastase in my family. My great grandad died of a heart attack at 49, followed by my grandad at 55, and then just a few years ago my darling dad passed unexpectedly of a stroke aged 55.

I dealt with most of the bereavement issues and dealt with the anxiety that built up in the months and years after his passing. However it all reared to the surface after a bowel cancer scare a month ago. Since then, It’s become unbearable. I’m not sleeping, crying all the time, suffering headaches constantly and brain zaps, ears ringing and am now convinced I’m going to die suddenly of a stroke / brain aneurysm or worse . Meds aren’t helping, I’m on a wait list for CBT (urgent referral through my work insurance). Has anyone else been through this? I’ve actually had to bite the bullet and take time off of work to try and figure this out. I would just like to know I’m not alone / going crazy ❤️

05-07-21, 17:12
Sorry you're going through a rough time at the moment.

I would suggest you use all the techniques that you've used previously and have worked. It's good that you're on the list for CBT.

Medication wise, it does take a few weeks to start working - how far along are you? Could you discuss it with your GP.

Don't feel bad about taking time off work, sometimes it really helps to have a bit of breathing space. I'm in my first full hours week after being off for 5 weeks and then a phased return.

You will get through it, it just takes time.

06-07-21, 08:26
No you're not alone and you're certainly not going crazy. You've been through a lot of trauma and you're mentally exhausted and overwhelmed. "Dealing" with chronic anxiety is exhausting and you have had to sadly face up to bereavements of loved ones on top of that. It's not surprising that you feel frightened and threatened by HA fears. A scare can really throw a spanner in the works and it takes time to get to grips with things again, as Catkins says (and knows from her own experience).

Get some mental rest now so that you are more receptive to the therapy when it starts. Physical pain can be a manifestation of mental distress. Speak to your GP if you need a professional opinion on your symptoms. Have you done this already?

16-07-21, 04:44
I know what you are going through , my father died when I was 16 and through my 20s even though I was perfectly healthy I thought I had all sorts of illnesses heart problems etc.
It later turned out to be anxiety and depression ,I still have health anxieties today especially with the Covid vaccine which gave me migraines which made me think I could have a stroke or tumour.
Health anxiety is a pain especially when you use Doctor Google too much and you worry that if you cry wolf too many times something serious might get missed ..
Hope you feel better soon

16-07-21, 08:07
Over the past few years, I’ve managed to master it and control it. Long walks, rationalising with my brain and breathing through. This allowed me to stop the medication and live a pretty normal life.

Well done for being proactive and helping yourself. :shades:

Over the past few years, I’ve managed to master it and control it. Long walks, rationalising with my brain and breathing through. This allowed me to stop the medication and live a pretty normal life.

] However there is a history coronary artery diastase in my family. My great grandad died of a heart attack at 49, followed by my grandad at 55, and then just a few years ago my darling dad passed unexpectedly of a stroke aged 55.

I'm reading this as you managed to get your HA under control at the time your dad died?

What's happened recently? Aside the 'bowel cancer' fear - has anything else happened in your life, to you or someone you know or love?