View Full Version : Episodes of sudden fatigue and feeling weak. So confused.

05-07-21, 18:28
I think I've posted about this before, and I had my own theories as to what caused it, but now I'm kind of worried as it happens more often now and doesn't seem to link up with what I thought. No triggers, no stresses, nothing.

The only way I can describe this sensation is the feeling of very low blood sugar combined with sheer exhaustion but coming on in a split second, like I've just been hit with a tranquliser. It lasts for hours or a whole day.

It's not regular tiredness, and when it happens, sleep is the last thing on my mind. I feel like I'm about to pass out, just sitting there. Everything in my body feels weak, even breathing, or turning my head can cause the feeling to become more intense. It comes out out of nowhere.

Most of the time, it happens in the afternoon or evening, and I'll suddenly go from having normal energy levels to this unrelenting feeling of weakness/going to pass out/ limbs feel like moving through treacle. It's even exhausting to talk. It's like all the good levels in my body drop in a split second and leave me feeling like I'm about to die. My legs tremble under me, my hands are clumsy and I feel like I'm on a boat. I'm not panicking at the time either. When it gets really bad, my teeth start chattering too, and my body shakes, like I'm in shock or something. I almost convinced myself I had some kind of mild epilepsy or something, because I couldn't control the trembling, and it came in waves.

Doctors have no idea. They ran a full blood count on me recently. All good. Brain MRI four years ago was clear. Recent ECG's all check out ok. I have a blood pressure and blood sugar monitor at home as I was advised to try and check during the pandemic, since these episodes comes and go so randomly, and I can never get evaluated on time. Blood pressure and blood oxygen normal, blood sugar perfect during these episodes. Temperature is fine too, so not running a weird infection.

It's so scary when it happens. It can last an hour or last a whole day and wake me up and night, and all I can do is wait it out. Physical exercise makes it so much worse, so it's not a case of taking my mind off it.

It's really obvious when it goes away, because I feel like "life" is returning to my system. I feel warmer, stronger and more alert as the horrible feeling fades. My energy levels are great afterwards.

Does anybody else struggle with mysterious bouts of extreme, (and I mean extreme) sudden, oh god I'm dying fatigue out of nowhere? Did you ever get any answers?

I'd love to say this is anxiety, but it doesn't fit.

07-07-21, 09:41
I do get that (the sudden fatigue). Although ATM I'm on Prozac so putting it down to that.

I know you say anxiety doesn't fit, but I've always assumed that's what it is, extreme stress I'm not aware of mentally affecting me physically.

It's strange that it wakes you. Have you been checked for Sleep Apnoea?

07-07-21, 14:07
I get the very same thing, I was assuming it was my chronic anxiety exhausting me and my body not having time to heal and rest!

sarah x

07-07-21, 14:42
I was checked a while back but had no issues with sleep apnea. I had the test done out of curiosity because I didn't feel rested after sleep.

When that feeling wakes me up I'm trembling like I'm having a massive blood sugar crash or an adrenaline surge, but when I check everything, it's fine. I was in a doctors office once when it happened and they checked all my vitals and sugars then too, still nothing. I wear an apple watch that monitors my sleep and heart rate etc, and it's all fine. It doesn't wake me up every time, but on a few occasions when I've felt the fatigue all day it has.

My GP has basically given up on it, saying sometimes we all suffer with things that have no answer. I'd love to know what it is. I'd be happy if it was anxiety, but it just seems to come out of nowhere and even just moving my limbs makes it worse.

07-07-21, 14:45
I get the very same thing, I was assuming it was my chronic anxiety exhausting me and my body not having time to heal and rest!

sarah x

I'm trying to tell myself it's anxiety at the moment as there doesn't seem to be any other answer. Maybe it is our bodies just shutting down because of the constant background stress.