View Full Version : Has your mental health ever improved during this pandemic?

05-07-21, 20:51
I don't know for me, as long as I'm staying at home, I feel like my anxiety just keeps getting harder and harder to deal with. I know lockdowns have been lifted and almost everybody has had their vaccines, but I'm still unemployed which is extending my time at home thus I still haven't had the opportunity to keep myself busy for my mental health to get better. Anybody else in a similar position?

06-07-21, 08:29
Hi Taleon11 ,
I was unemployed for 2 years and it affected my self esteem and was tough financially. I resigned due to anxiety and depression and at first the rest done me some good and my anxiety lessened but as i ran out of money and lost structure to my day it progressively made me feel isolated as every one went to work and i stayed home and i felt worthless.
The last year has been along one and it has been a struggle even in work with new rules and regulations but i try to stay positive.
I haven't been unemployed during lockdown as i eventually found a job and i am sure it is tough and being stuck inside is not always good for anxiety but i think everybody is in the same boat and hopefully with the summer months and lockdown lifting you will be able to find work and get out again.
The things that help me are exercise and reading and getting up early in the morning and setting out a plan for the day and try to accomplish one thing every day no matter how small..
Take Care :)

07-07-21, 09:06
My MH improved significantly when my husband went back to work.

Seems that we don't do very well being under each other's feet 24/7...:scared15: (doesn't bode well for his retirement)

07-07-21, 09:58
NoraB, please stop being so funny. XD

08-07-21, 09:01
NoraB, please stop being so funny. XD

I wasn't joking!

My marriage almost went tits up because of the pandemic. Had couples therapy and everything! £600 to some therapist who droned on about buckets? :huh:

Put it this way...
I know exactly how many flagstones to take up in order to bury his body. :nicked:

However, I'm happy to report that the shovel is back in the shed and I no longer fantasise about stoving his head in with it..

Harmony is restored. :shades: (for now)

08-07-21, 12:36
I wasn't joking!

My marriage almost went tits up because of the pandemic. Had couples therapy and everything! £600 to some therapist who droned on about buckets? :huh:

Put it this way...
I know exactly how many flagstones to take up in order to bury his body. :nicked:

However, I'm happy to report that the shovel is back in the shed and I no longer fantasise about stoving his head in with it..

Harmony is restored. :shades: (for now)

Oh, really sorry about that.

08-07-21, 17:01
I'm still struggling with terrible Agoraphobia - I've been dealing with it for a long while. I don't work and trying to find things to occupy myself so I don't focus on what is wrong isn't always easy. For instance, I've not been outside in several weeks now (accept for a few appointments) and its only getting harder. I fear being out in public. Hard to explain.

I hope you feel better soon.

Well, I'm glad you won't be starring in the latest episode of "Snapped"; NoraB =P