View Full Version : Soft tissue sarcoma worries

05-07-21, 23:11
Hello im 26 Male and currently am suffering a lot with a bunch of different health worries which unfortunatly seem to be coming one after another. Ive been trying to stay off google the past week or 2 and i have been doing well until last night so i have been going for 2 walks a day to try and keep myself busy and sometimes i have been jogging lightly to try and exercise more to keep myself busy. Anyway unfortunatly i have been having some worries about DVT also so i went out in the car last night and when i got home i brushed my leg and felt a rather large lump which seemed to dissappear after i rubbed it a few time and then i have felt some hard lumps under the skin of of my calf just under the knee and the feel hard and i have felt a couple on both sides and its really shaken me up and all the work i did to get through my last worries and now i feel like im back at square one again. Now i feel like i have to go back to the gp my family have felt the lumps and say they dont feel like lumps possibly just muscle they feel more long than round but quite hard and i think they move. I can only feel them when my leg is streched out and like i said they are just below the knee and i think i have felt them in both legs but its more prominent in my right leg and it has been feeling tender there also which scares me. I know sarcomas are rare but after i read the mostly start in the leg and are hard my mind has fixated on it. Anyway has anyone had anything similar

06-07-21, 01:02
Now ive just noticed that my right calf looks bigger than my left and it has completely freaked me out and im scared theres a tumor growing god i hate this anxiety and i cant wait to get to the doctors i could just really use someone to talk to im so scared

06-07-21, 03:28
Cancerous tumors don’t come and go and they don’t move to different locations.

06-07-21, 05:16
Going through something similar, found a tender, soft, movable lump on my left shin. All I can say is if you have concerns go to your doctor, it's really the only option. Wishing you the best.

09-07-21, 18:02
Well I’m absolutely terrified now I went to the doctor who said it’s hard deep within the tissue and moveable and she didn’t think it was a cyst. Now I’m utterly convinced it’s a sarcoma and I have been referred for an ultrasound scan I really need some reassurance now I have no idea what to do I’m terrified

09-07-21, 20:55
Sorry that you have to go for more tests. But look, you are in the system now and will get treated and looked after. It’s very likely to be something harmless and/or explainable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-07-21, 12:39
Hello im Male and im 26 years old and im currently a healthy weight. So i found a lump about 5 days ago in my right upper Thigh which i got examined by the doctor yesterday and she did send me for an ultrasound as she couldnt determine what it was by feeling it. She said it was to deep to be a cyst and it seemed like it was attached to tissue which obviously has scared me. While she was feeling it she also asked if i had a family history of cancer which obviously also scared me a lot as i was thinking god does she think this is a Sarcoma. I did ask after the examination if she thought the lump was sinister and she said no as i would be having other symtoms if it was but im not sure i would. She wasnt very reassuring and i do have a history of health anxiety and normally would see my GP who is a lot more helpful in that regard. The lump is fairly small id say maybe pea size but it doesnt really present like a normal lump i have felt before its more like a ridge along my thigh and i can also feel other similar lumps above it. It is about half way down to my knee on the left hand side and it does feel quite deep if i have not got my knee on my other leg, like it feels bigger if im flexing which is what makes me think its on the muscle. I will be booking a private scan for next week hopefully as i cant wait that long for a referral it will just eat me up inside im already struggling. Has anyone else found anything similar i thought at first it was a muscle knot as there are multiple which present in a similar manner but i would of thought she would of picked up on it when i was at the doctors I was just hoping it was normal. I did also have a blood test and everything came back normal apart from slightly low calcium and something that was raised with my thyroid that indications infection. She said the levels were fine though i could really use some reassureance thank you anyone that replies i really need some help right now. Im just worried the ultrasound wont be able to tell what it is and then im gonna have to go for more scans and im just utterly convinced it is something bad.

10-07-21, 13:53
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12-07-21, 18:22
I had a scan today and he said he couldnt see it on the ultrasound but he could feel the lump when he went over it and he felt it himself. What does this normally mean he said he couldnt see anything sinister and theres no reason to worry but if you can feel a lump and not see it does that mean it requires further investigation. Has anyone else had experience with this? He said it might just be to deep to see most likely a limpoma.

28-07-21, 05:12
It's good to hear your doc isn't concerned. I had an ultrasound on my lump and they discovered a second one nearby. Doc wants an MRI of the leg. Pretty spooked but forwards and onwards, I'll update as I ascertain more information.

29-07-21, 03:18
It's good to hear your doc isn't concerned. I had an ultrasound on my lump and they discovered a second one nearby. Doc wants an MRI of the leg. Pretty spooked but forwards and onwards, I'll update as I ascertain more information.

Well im not really sure if there concerned or not they couldnt see it im going back tomorrow to ask if i need any further testing as they could feel it but not see it on the ultrasound. Im also very scared

29-07-21, 18:38
I see, hopefully it all goes well. I had my MRI today, went real smooth injected some contrast, took quite a while. Should have results within 1-2 days. They gave me this USB drive with the images but I don't dare read it lol. I'm not feeling good about it considering they found a second lump on the ultrasound. I'm really scared too dude I pray it all goes well for us, the last thing I want to hear is sarcoma, I'm only 32! Maybe I'll be the rare guy who actually ends up having something wrong, not the lottery I want to win.

04-08-21, 16:37
I'm really struggling waiting on the MRI results, it's almost been a week yet they said my doctor would get them in 1-2 days. Wouldn't they have called me by now if it was extremely urgent/serious? God I hate this.

04-08-21, 17:17
I found a hard lump just under my left knee this week when I was scratching my leg. It’s hard like bone doesn’t move. I have no idea what it is and I’m not really freaking out but I suppose I will get an appointment for my doctor to take a look.

Ponybro, I would think if they found anything sinister they would have contacted you but if your struggling maybe you can reach out to your doctor office and ask if they have received the results of your MRI yet?

13-08-21, 03:02
Thanks Careful1. I would get all new lumps assessed by a GP just to be on the safe side, sending good vibes your way.

Today I received a report of the findings on my MRI. It turns out the second mass identified by the ultrasound was not a mass but instead an old muscle tear that healed over. It just goes to show you that sometimes an ultrasounds resolution might mistake things for other things. The mass that initially sent me to my GP is consistent with a hematoma. No further action required and all tissues look otherwise normal. Thanks for your support :)