View Full Version : Pvd

07-07-21, 05:35
13 months ago I was diagnosed with pvd in my right eye. I noticed some flashing in the corner and went to see my optician. He said the cause was pvd and he found a tear in my retina so sent to me see a specialist. My appointment was 6 weeks later and the flashing had settled by then. The specialist said the tear was tiny (1/2mm) it could be treated by laser but he would prefer not to as if I did develop a detachment it would be harder to treat then. He basically said go and forget about it.

So I did!

Until last week. About a week ago I started noticing the odd flash again in the evenings. I’ve done a little research and read the pvd doesn’t always complete so I’m guessing this is what’s happened and hope things will settle again.

Question is do I go back and see my optician who may want to send me to the specialist again or do I just leave it.

My anxious self is asking my ive not made an appointment already but my reasonable self is saying I’ve been here before it’s ok wait it out.

I feel like I’m arguing with myself constantly.

Anyone been in the same position with pvd?

Should add I’m type 2 diabetic but last HbA1c was 31 and my eye screening back in January came back fine.

07-07-21, 09:26

In your case I would advise ringing and chatting to someone and asking if they think you should go in. 13 months is quite a long time for an eye. It's probably exactly the same as last time but you can't see inside your own eye so you can't know for sure.

This is what I did a while ago following cataract surgery (and I've had extensive retinal laser zaps decades ago!). I waited a few days because I was worried it was HA. And then I caved in and rang. I think we sometimes OVER-compensate for HA by not calling when we need to! Eyes can change very quickly.

My optician said he would ALWAYS rather someone got checked because although it's usually fine, sometimes it needs a look.

A few years ago I was really scared when a specialist told me I 'had a hole' in my retina but that it didn't need treating. I flew straight to worst case scenario in my head. But it healed itself, he was right.

PVD is of course normal as you age and I'm 60 - so perhaps less of a concern for me in that I've learned it's within the norms for my age - nonetheless, he still reassured me that it was fine to call.

If you do that then THEY have the responsibility for deciding if you are worrying about nothing or not.

Hope this helps. And FWIW I am sure it will be fine, but that's not the same as not needing it checked. I'll be thinking of you. xx

07-07-21, 11:55
Thanks for your reply it really has helped. I don’t notice the flashing at all during the day and it’s exactly the same as what happened before but I will give them a call after work

10-07-21, 15:41
I thought I had been diagnosed with pvd but according to the optician I saw Wednesday the jelly in my eye isn’t coming away just yet but is starting to thin a little. He thinks im probably 30 years off it happening and said just keep an eye on things. The tear that was found before is a hole that’s probably been there for years maybe even since birth which is great news.

Im still seeing these flashes and they are really getting me down and scaring me. Im starting to wonder if it’s anxiety more than anything else? The optician didn’t say why it’s happening and didn’t seem too worried though he is going to get in contact with the specialist I saw last year just to compare scans and said I might hear from them if they want to double check anything.

Has anyone noticed flashes in their vision while they are anxious? It’s like a camera flash going off in the corner of my eye. I even notice it in the same place when I close my eyes sometimes.