View Full Version : Adenoma found in bowel

07-07-21, 09:20
Hi everyone

So I had my colonoscopy on Saturday, and low and behold an 8mm Adenoma was found. The consultant reassured me it was totally benign.

But, these are the lesions that lead to bowel cancer. And I’m only 28. My dad had several of these removed in his 60s and his brother (my uncle) had bowel cancer in his 70s.

I’m really worried because I’m so young to have this, and not only that, it was found in my transverse colon, which is a “silent” place to have bowel cancer (doesn’t usually cause symptoms until it’s very advanced).

I’m just wondering has anyone else on here had an adenoma removed - and if so, how do you cope with the anxiety?

Thanks for reading

10-07-21, 19:34
Hiya, I wanted to reply as you haven't had a response. I haven't personally had this experience but you know people who have. I'd be tempted to ask them.

I don't know but is this the sort of thing lots of people could have and not know?

Are you able to get regular checks?

I would speak to your doctor to discuss whether regular checks are advised. If not discuss if there is a way of preventing anything nasty. Once you have a plan I think you will feel better

12-07-21, 22:39

You will be fine: they found it, they took it out, and you will be checked every few years. That will prevent any bad thing. Try to look at this almost as a blessing: now you know, and these things in colon are totally preventable. You will be fine.

My good friends' mom had it, so my friend now simply has a check up every three years. She has been totally healthy. You will be too. That is the whole point of colonoscopy, and that is the best test ever, because they can check for things, symptoms or not, and they take them out. My husband had one out few years back, and now he is due for another colonoscopy, which he will be doing in September. He is healthy and thankful they found it. Regular check ups , that is all you need to live long and healthy life.