View Full Version : Doing Terrible Please help

03-07-21, 23:42
I'm unsure if my visual Issues are related to anxiety or my teeth/jaw issues. I've been having facial tension up the wazoo, which gives me headaches, tight feelings, etc. I can rationalize that this is due to my teeth grinding habit and jaw issues. I was wondering if anyone who struggles with this also has their eye muscles affected. For a few weeks, I've been seeing the tiniest blue sparkle in one eye and the eyebrow over that eye is tender to the touch. Of course, I was worried about retinal detachment, so I have an upcoming eye exam (long overdue). It's making my HA ramp but I e been awesome about not googling. I'm trying to be rational but it's not easy. If anyone can relate, please let me know.

05-07-21, 01:45
I'm unsure if my visual Issues are related to anxiety or my teeth/jaw issues. I've been having facial tension up the wazoo, which gives me headaches, tight feelings, etc. I can rationalize that this is due to my teeth grinding habit and jaw issues. I was wondering if anyone who struggles with this also has their eye muscles affected. For a few weeks, I've been seeing the tiniest blue sparkle in one eye and the eyebrow over that eye is tender to the touch. Of course, I was worried about retinal detachment, so I have an upcoming eye exam (long overdue). It's making my HA ramp but I e been awesome about not googling. I'm trying to be rational but it's not easy. If anyone can relate, please let me know.


05-07-21, 20:50
Please tell me what kind of visual disturbances you have with anxiety because I'm terrified of a stroke or seizure. Really having panic attack here. If it was a stroke, I wouldn't feel better on and off, right? Or a tumor?

Really suffering

05-07-21, 20:53
cloudy vision, blurred vision, floaters but an exaggerated amount when highly anxious.
a tumour wouldn’t get better at all, it would just get worse and worse especially if it’s to do with the brain.
the symptoms are loud and you can’t ignore them at all, so you can rule that out

05-07-21, 22:16
Thank you. How about skin cancer on the eye, do you think? I have a red spot that's been there for months. Not going away but I keep rubbing it, too, so idk

05-07-21, 23:26
Please someone help. I'm thinking I have eye melanoma.

06-07-21, 00:11
I've been seeing a therapist for anxiety for awhile now and I've made progress, especially with HA

Are you still seeing the therapist? If so, perhaps a call and session would be in order. If not, perhaps a call to start up again would be in order.


06-07-21, 01:00
i am. i will see her tomorrow, via video call.

06-07-21, 01:32
i am. i will see her tomorrow, via video call.

Be sure to tell her you've been posting on an anxiety forum for reassurance and ask about self coping mechanisms.


06-07-21, 10:11
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


07-07-21, 13:19
I'm having such a hard time. I've been getting an intermittent sparkle in my left eye, on and off for about a month now. Put it down to being dehydrated and teeth grinding. Now I'll get Bobby flashes sometimes in that eye like a camera after image. Not often but often enough that it scares me. I wake up with a sick feeling of dread everyday that I have a brain tumor or cancer that's gone Tomy eye or brain. I have a broken blood vessel in that eye, too, for awhile and I keep rubbing it so maybe that's why it's not going away. In the dark, that eye gives a flash so idk...does it sound like a retinal tear? I have an eye appointment next week but I'm absolutely sick with worry and terrified about what they'll find. Anyone have anything remotely like this and not have it be a brain or eye tumor. My right eye goes wonky like this too it not as bad. I should mention everytime I see the blob, my head does hurt behind my eyes and I can't stop teeth grinding. I'm dizzy and nauseated too but I suspect this is anxiety.

It's significantly impacting my quality of life.

07-07-21, 14:32

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

12-07-21, 23:07
Now I'm scared the thing I've had on my leg for three years has spread to my eye, hence the red spot. Please, somebody, help talk me down. I cannot get out of bed. No vision loss just little tiny sparks of light, no pain. I've googed everything from eystroke to eye melanoma. Can't eat or barely sleep.

12-07-21, 23:36
Now I'm scared the thing I've had on my leg for three years has spread to my eye, hence the red spot. Please, somebody, help talk me down. I cannot get out of bed. No vision loss just little tiny sparks of light, no pain. I've googed everything from eystroke to eye melanoma. Can't eat or barely sleep.

Well you should stop googling cause all that’s gonna do is make you more anxious. Whatever you have on your leg hasn’t spread to your eye if whatever you have on your leg has been there for 3 years the two are not related. That’s just your anxious mind trying to connect dots.

I see flashes out of the corners of my eyes all the time. Everyone gets this from time to time, it’s common and it doesn’t mean anything is wrong. I would say if your truly concerned see your doctor but it looks like you already have and everything was okay? If that’s the case your gonna have to work on your anxiety.