View Full Version : brain tumor fear

12-11-07, 20:44
i know this will sound silly to a lot of people but it is really serious to me.

A few weeks ago, for no reason and out of the blue I got a searing pain above my forehead on the right side. this lasted for about ten minutes and eventually died down but came back about 8/9 times through the evening. it felt like someone stabbing my head. sometimes it moves like its running down the right side of my head from top to bottom. other times it just stabs. the resaon im so worried is because i NEVER have headaches-i get everything else but not headaches!-i went to get my eyes tested instead of going straigt to the doctors which i usually do and the optitian said my eyesight was nearly perfect but recommended i get low strength glasses for reading and using the computer. i have had these for the past week but am still getting the headaches. its not like a dull, tension headaches-its different to any other pain ive ever had in my head and i'm really scared. i just want some advice from someone

thanks xx

12-11-07, 22:04
Hi Lou,

I don't really have any advice for you but I also get stabbing pains in my head sometimes. It is a really sharp pain almost as if someone is literally stabbing my head with a knife. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with headaches which I get at other times. I think a lot of people who get anxiety worry that they have a brain tumour but I think if you had a brain tumour you would have other symptoms as well.

Hope this helps reassure you a bit. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

12-11-07, 22:31

I have had head zaps before but not ones that lasted for a long time.

Of course it could be migraines or tension but if you feel that it isn't normal for you and you are worried then please do see doc and get it checked out for reassurance and advise on what it could be.

13-11-07, 09:19
Hi Lou,

I get stabbing pains in my head so I know how frightening it can be as we are and how the fear of brain tumours make us feel. :weep:

Try not to worry though(hard I know!!) it could be related to eyestrain from being on the computer and the tension from the worry.
Also if you did have a tumour the optician would more than likely have spotted something, they can see right behind the eyes with the eqipment they use.

Hope that reassures you a bit!:hugs:


13-11-07, 09:28
I agree with Hazymind, the optician would have picked up a tumor but go to the docs to put your mind at rest anyway.:flowers:

17-11-07, 10:36
hiya i too suffer from the fear of having a brain tumor
i also get these shooting pains in my head that come from no where i have surfed around alot of pages to find what they can be and from what i found was that theey are ice picks headaches they go as soon as they come and yes they can happen. i have to try and convince myself thats its not a brain tumor i have along with every other illness there is going
keep your chin up :hugs:

06-06-08, 17:33
I too have this fear & its awful, often rules my life at times as im constantly worrying if i have a symptom for example, dizziness, headache, blurry eyes etc..& when i do im googling it..its crazy & very upseting!
I often wonder where this came from as i was fine until february but i guess its since a bought of labrynthitis im now such a worrier.

i often wonder how long this will go on for but i guess i have to come to terms with the fact its a life long thing now, who knows?

I share all your worries & concerns & despite people trying to convince my im fine & being silly i will always worry!

If you need to chat email me nicola_butcher32@hotmail.co.uk

06-06-08, 17:43
I have a brain tumour and so far (touch wood ) I have had no symptoms. So a pain in the head doesn't mean you have a brain tumour.

06-06-08, 18:55
My partner had brain cancer and never had a headache.

anx x