View Full Version : How many lymph nodes can you genuinely feel in your neck?

07-07-21, 15:39
I've had 2 swollen lymph nodes in my neck for years now and finally have gotten over the terrible anxiety they triggered, but today chatting to my 6 year old son i was innocently fiddling with my neck and felt 2 more, one down the back of my neck and another closer to the collar bone. I can convince myself not too panic too much because they are small but need to know how many you can actually feel? Should I be able to feel them so easily?

07-07-21, 18:04
This is going to differ from person to person so a number won’t provide any indication of normalcy. The main thing to consider is what you’ve already mentioned: they are small. Lymph nodes sit close to the surface and can be felt. This must be normal for you.

Best Wishes

07-07-21, 19:24
It is better not to try to feel your lymph nodes at all if you find this a huge trigger for your HA.

bin tenn
08-07-21, 04:31
It is better not to try to feel your lymph nodes at all if you find this a huge trigger for your HA.

I agree!

It doesn't matter if you can feel them. Some people can, some can't. Yes, I can feel a few as well, or at least I could back when I had anxiety about stuff like this. Not sure if I still can as I don't check anymore. Stopping the compulsive self checking can be difficult, but it's an important step in overcoming anxiety.

08-07-21, 11:48
The last time I thought I was feeling a lymph node, it turned out to be a rice crispie that I'd slept on? :huh:

It was also a Rice Crispie that found it's way into my bra and I thought the worst then too - until it fell off. :unsure:

Damn those Rice Crispies!

Honestly, you need to stop with the checking. All it's doing is firing up the stress response and your HA..

08-07-21, 12:31
Agree with the others and add to it the terminology of 'swollen' is inaccurate and a mental way to justify worrying. A 'swollen' node is a node that is enlarged due to an infection and in many cases here on the boards, constant poking and prodding. Poke and prod enough and they can become 'shotty' (permanently enlarged - notice I didn't say 'swollen').