View Full Version : Low on energy

07-07-21, 20:59
I went for a long walk today but I have felt low on energy and a bit weak I had some chocolate but that’s not helped could anxiety be causing it?

07-07-21, 21:05
What are you anxious about, Phil?

07-07-21, 22:11
What are you anxious about, Phil?

My ocd has been mild for about a year now it’s physical symptoms I get I always worry how I can get through a day always worried about my health. Like I say use to have awful ocd and that dominated my day but now it’s general feelings if I don’t feel 100% I get anxious..

07-07-21, 23:04
I have been anxious tonight as I’ve felt this way all night

08-07-21, 00:04
I'm sorry I don't have any advice - but you're not alone - OCD has been off the chart lately for me too. I hope you feel better soon.

08-07-21, 08:45
I went for a long walk today but I have felt low on energy and a bit weak I had some chocolate but that’s not helped could anxiety be causing it?

Try and re-frame the sentence.

You start with a positive, as in you went for a long walk which is really good health wise - mentally and physically.

Then comes the 'but'..

Chocolate isn't the best food to be eating with anxiety Phil because it's high in caffeine and other stimulants which your body will spend hours trying to metabolise and which ramps up symptoms of anxiety. You will have the immediate surge of energy but then a massive drop. You'd be better off with something that will give you energy over a period of time instead of a short sharp blast which will leave you feeling even more exhausted..

I could do with a walk myself today, and you've just inspired me, so thank you. :yesyes:

08-07-21, 15:48
I felt a bit better today then I went for a shower and the lack of energy came on. Got me thinking it wasn’t the walk that caused the the symptom perhaps it’s being off work on holiday this week making me feel these physical symptoms? Often I get pains or physical issues lasting days sometimes weeks then it moves onto next issue..

08-07-21, 17:15
Do you think maybe it's because you're off work? This might sound daft, but sometimes when I'm at work I can keep going and going, almost on autopilot. It's when I stop that I get tired or lack energy.

Could be the case with you too?

08-07-21, 18:14
Do you think maybe it's because you're off work? This might sound daft, but sometimes when I'm at work I can keep going and going, almost on autopilot. It's when I stop that I get tired or lack energy.

Could be the case with you too?

Yes upto 2019 I was going holidays and enjoyed the break. Since 2020 I have been a few very short local holidays and that’s all. I am not as use to it. I had anxiety at work for a spell but being honest 90% of time work is the only time I feel anxiety free. I have a routine a purpose and can keep busy. I actually hate when it comes to time off my new shifts have been one day on one day off that’s actually helped as my days off have been short so I have a steady routine. My motivation this week has been rock bottom even when I went on holiday I never wanted to go beyond my hotel room..

08-07-21, 18:49
So could it be anything to worry over or will it pass like other symptoms?

08-07-21, 18:50
I have been very worried about foreign travel due to covid and worry unvaccinated may never travel could this be a reason? I spend my life arguing with politicians on Twitter

08-07-21, 19:06
I have been very worried about foreign travel due to covid and worry unvaccinated may never travel could this be a reason?

Yes, it could be. I can't personally share that concern I'm afraid.

I spend my life arguing with politicians on Twitter

Why ?

08-07-21, 21:19
I expect that you find too much unstructured time very challenging when you don't have your work routine? Then you've got the prospect of foreign travel being denied to you if you remain unvaccinated by choice when going on holiday would help distract you from your anxiety.

Uncertainty and anxiety can really exhaust you..especially when it's chronic. Maybe it's best to accept that foreign travel may not be an option for the time being but there will be a resumption of nightclubs, music gigs and football matches in the coming weeks so other things to plan and enjoy for you?

08-07-21, 21:36
I expect that you find too much unstructured time very challenging when you don't have your work routine? Then you've got the prospect of foreign travel being denied to you if you remain unvaccinated by choice when going on holiday would help distract you from your anxiety.

Uncertainty and anxiety can really exhaust you..especially when it's chronic. Maybe it's best to accept that foreign travel may not be an option for the time being but there will be a resumption of nightclubs, music gigs and football matches in the coming weeks so other things to plan and enjoy for you?

You are correct.

The issue to is they have under contracted me at work too I noticed 2 hours less on my rota so I am off work but now have the worry of having to speak to them to see if it’s a mistake.

Yes you are correct gigs football are coming back but I may be worried by large crowds? I was meant to go shopping tomorrow but still feel a lack of energy even after eating? I do feel sort of exhausted by the COVID travel thing. I can’t understand why I can be on a busy train but not Eurostar? I have been trying to be positive I have set a savings goal since I am not travelling I want to save money for the future so that’s a goal.

The issue with the pandemic is when things get better I have had these worries for a year now. I thought I wouldn’t even get to England and I managed to do that again. It’s a big shock being able to do lots of stuff and not being able to do much. Sure it’s much better than lockdown I mean I still can’t believe we were told to stay at home..

Also with my symptoms they can come and go but they can last upto a week sometimes longer. I am trying to find stuff to do to keep my mind busy. A few weeks back I wasn’t even going to go on holiday. Also holidays in England are very nice too I’ve not done any of those yet but can. My worry is always that it’s not anxiety making me feel weak but like I say I think it happens when I am so focused on it?

08-07-21, 21:37
Do you think they will allow unvaccinated people aboard eventually?

08-07-21, 22:36
My sister said it could be COVID but I don’t think that’s a main symptom as I don’t have a cough. Also I googled diabetes and all sorts?

09-07-21, 01:54
Do you think they will allow unvaccinated people aboard eventually?

You could always get the vax and be part of the solution as opposed to the problem and kill two birds with one stone :whistles:


09-07-21, 02:22
Do you think they will allow unvaccinated people aboard eventually?

Yes, you will need proof of a negative test result etc. It’s just that you may need to self isolate on return.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-07-21, 08:15
My sister said it could be COVID but I don’t think that’s a main symptom as I don’t have a cough. Also I googled diabetes and all sorts?

Feeling completely depleted and exhausted mentally and physically could well be the result of 18 months of worry and uncertainty caused by change to your routines and lifestyle. You could get a full blood count done by your GP to reassure you but this may be impossible to consider due to your needle phobia?

Do speak to your boss at work about your contracted hours though? Get it sorted now rather than letting it fester?

09-07-21, 09:31
You said you werent worried about COVID a while ago on another thread, clearly that wasn't true.

09-07-21, 16:07
Feeling completely depleted and exhausted mentally and physically could well be the result of 18 months of worry and uncertainty caused by change to your routines and lifestyle. You could get a full blood count done by your GP to reassure you but this may be impossible to consider due to your needle phobia?

Do speak to your boss at work about your contracted hours though? Get it sorted now rather than letting it fester?

Yes I could get a blood test but maybe a last resort as you say I hate needles. I managed the shops today and was out for 4 hours so maybe I am a bit better? I still feel low on energy but it’s been very warm and muggy could be a cause too? Often I get symptoms which last upto a week..my worry is this won’t go away for a while. I had a few panic attacks about it last night but as I say I kept more busy today. And yes I go back to work next week so I think the routine will help..

09-07-21, 19:59
4 hours at the shops is pretty full on! I think you need your routine back and no time to think about all those things worrying you? Being busy and occupied mentally will help pass the time more quickly.

10-07-21, 06:22
[QUOTE=phil06;2011779]So could it be anything to worry over[QUOTE]

Not if you can go shopping for four hours..

I can only manage 2 on my best days, and that includes tea breaks. Then I'm dozing off on the way home and in bed by 6pm..

There's a difference between physical and mental fatigue and if you're able to go shopping for 4 hours (unless you're being pushed around) then I'd say your 'energy' issue is a mental one..

Your body is working just fine Phil.

10-07-21, 12:53
I am sure I had these symptoms before and it lasted a while but I read news under 30’s in intensive care In scotland with covid maybe a slight weakness is enough to have COVID? I can’t bear all the scare stories vaccines for pubs under 30’s in intensive care I think it’s as that age group are due to be jabbed or half have but this stuff is pumped out to make sure others take the jab? Any thoughts? The symptom is more prominent when I focus on it..also if covid I would have some worse symptoms? I end up googling stuff until I feel better

10-07-21, 13:32
Phil... really? :huh: This is just another regurgitated slight variation of all the threads and posts you've been posting for months now. It really is as simple as getting vaxxed and alleviate the worry or continue on the same path. Nothing we say is going to change your thoughts, worries or mindset. It all comes down to put up or shut up.


10-07-21, 14:35
Phil, it comes down to two choices, you can't have it both ways - which do you fear more COVID or the vaccine ? Then, you just have to choose. AT the moment you want your 'cake and to eat it'.

10-07-21, 15:36
Phil, it comes down to two choices, you can't have it both ways - which do you fear more COVID or the vaccine ? Then, you just have to choose. AT the moment you want your 'cake and to eat it'.

Yes it’s all about choice even with a vaccine you can get COVID anyway and I worry about vaccine side effects.

I have been feeling low energy for a few days sure it could be anxiety but still worry

10-07-21, 17:08
even with a vaccine you can get COVID anyway

....but most don't and if they do its a much milder version.

10-07-21, 17:16
Someone suggested depression is causing my lack of energy which is possible as it matches those symptoms. Perhaps the whole COVID thing can cause depression?

10-07-21, 17:53
4 hours at the shops though??? I think you have just fixated on the "am I feeling tired?" thought and then ruminated on the "why am I feeling tired?" thought and you are coming up with a typical HA thought pattern.

Have a blood test if you are really worried? Are you still on risperidone?

10-07-21, 18:20
4 hours at the shops though??? I think you have just fixated on the "am I feeling tired?" thought and then ruminated on the "why am I feeling tired?" thought and you are coming up with a typical HA thought pattern.

Have a blood test if you are really worried? Are you still on risperidone?

Tired yes it’s more of a hunger feeling weak symptom can that be anxiety? Yes the risperidone I first started it in 2005 and stopped but been on it for 5 years now just one tablet per day I also take propranolol as that helps the physical symptoms of anxiety..

10-07-21, 19:43
Does the propanolol still help you?

I'm sure there would be no problem with getting a full blood count in view of being on risperidone for a number of years.

Yes anxiety can cause a low blood sugar feeling.

10-07-21, 19:47
So you'll take a mind-altering drug, that forces change on your brain's functioning, and you're happy to do that every day and ignore the rare but catastrophic side effects antipsychotics are known for...

10-07-21, 23:40
So you'll take a mind-altering drug, that forces change on your brain's functioning, and you're happy to do that every day and ignore the rare but catastrophic side effects antipsychotics are known for...

I had a breakdown in 2016 and was in hospital for a week so had no choice as they say things like bipolar can come back with episodes.

11-07-21, 00:34
Phil.... your thread/post history is painfully obvious here. Of course, we don't know what you're like in real life as we only see and read what you post here. Your history is extensive and if members take the time to read, they'll see the repeated patterns and sadly the fruitlessness of trying to point you in the right direction :weep:

Whether it's COVID, bins, toilet germs, travel and the other things you post about, the pattern is the same (?). The thing is, on this site, you'll always have some Momma and Papa bears to reassure you.

It still comes down to 'shit or get off the pot'. Whether you do so or not remains to be seen but I'll place my bet on the 'you'll do nothing to help yourself' and you'll be here probably long after I'm gone from this earth with the same posts.

Mark my words.....


11-07-21, 09:08
Phil.... your thread/post history is painfully obvious here. Of course, we don't know what you're like in real life as we only see and read what you post here. Your history is extensive and if members take the time to read, they'll see the repeated patterns and sadly the fruitlessness of trying to point you in the right direction :weep:

Whether it's COVID, bins, toilet germs, travel and the other things you post about, the pattern is the same (?). The thing is, on this site, you'll always have some Momma and Papa bears to reassure you.

It still comes down to 'shit or get off the pot'. Whether you do so or not remains to be seen but I'll place my bet on the 'you'll do nothing to help yourself' and you'll be here probably long after I'm gone from this earth with the same posts.

Mark my words.....


Welcome to the other kind of Momma Bear. The kind that Phil ignores... :whistles:

FMP, I admire your attitude. Despite (or maybe because of?) your major health issues, it's kick ass. You're my kind of 'Papa Bear'. :shades:

Should I ever find myself back in the health anxiety pool of hell, you're the one I'd need to help me find my way out again. Truly. Because when we're in that situation, we need people who will throw us a line and encourage us to grab on - not just folk who just stand there feeling sorry for us while we drown.. :unsure:

Thing is, we have to want to reach out and grab the rope.

The mistake I've made is in presuming that everybody is like me, as in, desperately wanting out of the HA nightmare and being willing to do just about anything to try and get better. But there are members on here who have made no effort, whatsoever, to help themselves. They're here year after year, ignoring (or attacking) anybody who tries to get them to challenge their irrational thinking and be proactive in trying to overcome this disorder, and sadly Phil's one of them..

Even if you can't reach the person in question, you are helping others...
Speaking of shitting and pots, I've excited my colon and there's a chance of a satisfactory performance. Yay!:yahoo:

11-07-21, 19:00
Thing is, we have to want to reach out and grab the rope.

Thanks for the kind words NoraB. I truly appreciate it. The line I quoted stood out to me as it really does come down to that. While there are cases where no amount of therapy and/or medication will help, I believe most can improve their lives as you said, if they 'want' to. I mean 'really want to'. Actions in this case and medium, speak louder than words on a screen. And frankly, there are many here that use this medium as a quick reassurance fix and place to vent and will never take the steps to help themselves.

My daughter is a sufferer and she busts her rear end every day to get better. She has good days and bad days but her determination is admirable and she's definitely making progress, even if it's one step and day at a time.

Thank you again for your post.... Hope your colon performed well ;)

Positive thoughts

11-07-21, 20:19
Does the propanolol still help you?

I'm sure there would be no problem with getting a full blood count in view of being on risperidone for a number of years.

Yes anxiety can cause a low blood sugar feeling.

I felt better today (almost free of the symptoms and feeling good.) until 3/4pm had more hunger weakness then often after eating. I did a search of the forum and I had hunger issues last September https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?240678-Daily-anxiety-feelings&highlight=Hunger so perhaps I have had this issue before for a while?

11-07-21, 23:58
I felt better today (almost free of the symptoms and feeling good.) until 3/4pm had more hunger weakness then often after eating. I did a search of the forum and I had hunger issues last September https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?240678-Daily-anxiety-feelings&highlight=Hunger so perhaps I have had this issue before for a while?

What's the answer to your question?


22-01-22, 16:15
This symptom seems to have come back after a cut in my hand yesterday. I was ok most of today but last few hours low on energy again can anxiety really cause this? I had a funny taste and that was maybe anxiety? Just thinking of a symptom of thought can make it seem real?

04-06-22, 21:24
Had another attack like this tonight I ocd where I am always taking my shoes off thinking I’ve cut my finger or using mirrors to check my teeth are not cut. Anyway tonight I became terrified I stood on broken glass as I felt a string in my toe so I’ve had an awful panic feeling weak this blood phobia I have despite no blood. I keep checking shoes taking socks off how can I deal with this? Can the anxiety really make me low energy?

05-06-22, 05:41
Absolutely it can, yes. Think about it, it's a fight or flight response where your body is gearing up to deal with a serious (if imaginary, in this case) threat - it uses up all its resources, so it's natural that you'll feel drained afterwards.