View Full Version : concentration

09-02-05, 19:43
Hey everyone hope your all well.

Im posting for advice and to see if im alone in this! I'm getting so frustrated with my concentration levels being ZILCH (what language is that anyone?) Its annoying, I sound senile because halfway through doing something i forget what im doing, or writing, in my exams last week for example. I would start writing a long answer and forget the question about 4 times before id finished and i jsut dont understand! I dont even know if its anxiety related because even on the rare occasion where im not feeling anxious im still dozy and stupid. And i do dancing, and i'm the worst in the class now not becasue im really bad at it, but because i cant remember what im doing!!!!!!!!!!!

It is just sooo frustrating and i dont understand it which makes it worse because surely i should be able to focus my concentration, afterall its MY concentration and i just cant control it! I dont have my exam results back yet but i know theyre going to be so awful. But theyr only prelims, so ive got til may to get it together! But i cant even concentrate to study so really i think i have no hope in the academic field no more!

See sometimes its distractions that get my concentration messed up, but other times its just that ive forgotten what im doing when im doing it which makes no sense. Im talking in circles cos im so frustrated with everything!!!!

See even writing this has taken 2 goes and 2 long goes at that!!! Ok have a nice night!!!!! tc xxxx


09-02-05, 20:11
Don't worry, you are not alone with this. In fact, I think many of us have this problem!

I find that because my head is so full of worry, I forget about so many things. These can be things like going out to post a letter, very simple things. So as far as doing exams and remembering all those facts are concerned, it must be so difficult. My concentration goes too.

I hope that you get those exams sorted, but don't worry if it doesn't work out at first.

When I was about 23, I was so worried about my exams, I was ill with worry and never got there that day. I passed them a year or two later instead.

In time, you will recover.

Take Care


09-02-05, 21:04

im starting to loose my concentration, at the wrong time!!!

you need to get more sleep and eat healthily, i know this is hard, iv managed to do it, so lets do it together, so we knwo how each other feel

howz u hun??? hows school, doing your exams yet???

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

09-02-05, 21:32
hello there,

I think that losing concentration is very common amongsy anxiety sufferers. I don't know what causes it exactly but I know that I get it quite often as well..

Sarah :D

09-02-05, 21:52
its taking your mind of the work and onto what your scared of eg i may be doing a history lesson and my mind is taken away onto that fact that i have a dentist apointment, just an example!

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

10-02-05, 10:34
Thanks Ray and Sarah and yea jade i did my exams last week, well in a way, they gave me my english one and i just looked at it and started crying so they took it away. ( that was nice of em eh?) I did the second part of the english paper but got the first part to look forward to when i go back on tuesday (if i go that day becuase i really dont want to go when well all be getting our results) Its the february holidays woohoo but its raining :( Oh well just means i have to sit on the computer all day! And i'm fine was doin a lot better recently but not so good the past week or so but its been explanied to me (with the aid of a graph) that there will be peaks and troughs in gettin better so ive just to focus on getting out of the trough!!! Oooo i got a date 4 valentines day 2........but im not going. was nice to be asked tho!!! How bout u howv u been and what you been up to? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
