View Full Version : On top of everything else .. just had a tooth fall out.. going slightly insane here

09-07-21, 20:30
After a month of stress (which some of you have kindly been supporting me with).... went to brush my teeth when I got up this morning and an upper molar at the back just popped clean out roots and all .. I only touched it with my tongue.

Have to say that that particular tooth has never been quite right since the wisdom tooth adjacent was extracted. It was quite loose and ill-aligned afterwards and has been like it for a couple of years. My dentist was taking about extracting it at our last appointment a year back - think the tooth decided to preempt on its own. It doesn't hurt and no pain or bleeding, and I'm treating it like an extraction with salt rinses until the gap closes over. Can't really do much else as I'm only on a waiting list at the dentists for the present time.

Doing the right thing or does anyone have any more practical suggestions? Trying not to get too stressed over this further irritation.

09-07-21, 20:44
I guess it would depend on if you had any pain from it, or around it, prior to it coming out that indicated infection ? I only know dentistry as a consumer lol, but I didn't know that they could just pop out like that. Presumably its been heading that way for ages and hanging on in there with a damaged/severed root since the extraction ? Maybe someone will come along with better advice, but sounds to me like you are being really sensible and you can always ask for an emergency NHS appointment if anything feels not right, during your waiting time on the list.

09-07-21, 20:53
Apparently dead teeth can just fall out on their own - can't say I had much trouble with it apart from it got a bit irritated from time to time due to being loose. It must have been damaged when I had the wisdom tooth was extracted and has slowly conked out over the last couple of years.

09-07-21, 21:01
I'm quite an expert on extracted teeth as sadly my son self harms and has pulled out 10 of his own..

Salt water rinses 5 times a day to guard against infection which is obvious and very painful but unlikely to happen with your self-care. You've saved yourself an extraction fee at least!

09-07-21, 21:16
Euchhh - can't imagine what pulling your own teeth out is like!

Well as you say - saved an extraction fee and I'm a dentist-phobe to boot. I'm a great believer in salt rinses for all manner of teeth issues as it reduces inflammation and bacterial infections. Just got a bit shocked when it fell out like that and been on edge all day. Got more aching in my ears and jaw from physical tension and screwing myself up all day than anything else!