View Full Version : Daughter passed out, I’m worried

11-07-21, 22:54
This past Tuesday I took my 14 year old daughter for her 1st horse riding lesson. It was a hot day and the lesson was in a large barn. Everything seemed good until about 20 minutes into the lesson when she told the instructor she was very thirsty and started to feel bad. She got off the horse and the instructor helped her stand, I ran over and helped her lie down and at that point she was almost in a trance, staring to the left, stiff, with her arms folded into her chest. I called her name and lightly slapped her cheeks and after a minute or so she came out of it startled and said she fell asleep and was dreaming. She said she didn’t eat anything all day and wasn’t drinking much water because she didn’t want to have to go to the bathroom during her lesson. She was able to get up and put her sneakers on and I took her to the hospital emergency room. I was (am) really scared she had a seizure because her eyes were open and she didn’t go limp when passed out, but the ER doctor and nurses said it didn’t sound like a seizure and was more likely she passed out due to the heat and dehydration. They gave her IV fluids and her mood improved to where she was giggling and joking around. They did bloodwork and everything was normal. I am just so worried this was a seizure and the doctor misdiagnosed it as heat related. My daughter has anxiety and often complains about getting tremors and shaking hands, so I was already worried about possible brain issues with her, now this feels like things are progressing negatively. The ER doctor said those symptoms were unrelated. We have a follow up appointment with her regular doctor tomorrow and I am worried. Not sure what I’m even asking for, just have been scared and needed to share with people who understand my worries, or if anyone had a similar story of passing out. Thanks

11-07-21, 23:51
How scary for you both.
It really does seem plausible that it was the heat and dehydration. I would wait and speak to your doctor at the follow up where you can hopefully get some answers and have a chance to ask some questions.
I do understand why you’d be worried, but I don’t think you need to be. Glad she’s ok though.

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12-07-21, 00:03
This past Tuesday I took my 14 year old daughter for her 1st horse riding lesson. It was a hot day and the lesson was in a large barn. Everything seemed good until about 20 minutes into the lesson when she told the instructor she was very thirsty and started to feel bad. She got off the horse and the instructor helped her stand, I ran over and helped her lie down and at that point she was almost in a trance, staring to the left, stiff, with her arms folded into her chest. I called her name and lightly slapped her cheeks and after a minute or so she came out of it startled and said she fell asleep and was dreaming. She said she didn’t eat anything all day and wasn’t drinking much water because she didn’t want to have to go to the bathroom during her lesson. She was able to get up and put her sneakers on and I took her to the hospital emergency room. I was (am) really scared she had a seizure because her eyes were open and she didn’t go limp when passed out, but the ER doctor and nurses said it didn’t sound like a seizure and was more likely she passed out due to the heat and dehydration. They gave her IV fluids and her mood improved to where she was giggling and joking around. They did bloodwork and everything was normal. I am just so worried this was a seizure and the doctor misdiagnosed it as heat related. My daughter has anxiety and often complains about getting tremors and shaking hands, so I was already worried about possible brain issues with her, now this feels like things are progressing negatively. The ER doctor said those symptoms were unrelated. We have a follow up appointment with her regular doctor tomorrow and I am worried. Not sure what I’m even asking for, just have been scared and needed to share with people who understand my worries, or if anyone had a similar story of passing out. Thanks

Pretty cut and dry if you ask me ;)


12-07-21, 02:38
Hey there - I can understand your concern, that's a bit scary to see something like that happen to your daughter. Just my opinion - I think seizures usually come without any warning and it sounds like she had enough warning to tell the instructor she didn't feel well and to get off the horse and to a safer place. I don't think she would have been able to do that with a seizure.

You said she sometimes gets tremors and shaking hands which makes me think she may possibly have had low blood sugar, especially since she hadn't been eating. I get low blood sugar (especially in the hot weather) and and it comes with tremors and an awful inside shaking feeling.

I'm glad she recovered fast and I hope you are able to get answers from your doctor as to what's going on. Don't be afraid to tell the doctor that you are concerned that she may have had a seizure so he can address that for you.

12-07-21, 02:59
Thanks for the comments everyone, I appreciate it. FamilyPicnic, you’re right, the first ER nurse we saw said the same thing about seizures not giving any warning, and my daughter was able to recognize she didn’t feel well and get down before she passed out, so that is a good thing I guess. Thanks 😊

13-07-21, 01:20
I am more upset now that I took my daughter for a follow up with her regular doctor, who we have only seen once before about 2 years ago… she stressed me out more because she asked me if my daughter had a seizure…. I don’t know, I’m not a doctor! I told her what the ER doctor said about heat related, but she seemed confused, like she never heard of someone passing out with their eyes open, even though the ER doc and nurses all said it happens. Then she said the bloodwork taken at the hospital didn’t show anything “too concerning” and if my daughter has another incident take her back to the ER do they can arrange a neurologist. So my nerves are worse and I’m so worried about this happening again. She has another horse lesson tomorrow and I dread it and want to cancel, but also don’t want to hide from it if something is wrong.

13-07-21, 22:16
Hello. Just a personal story but one time my friend passed out while in a shop, she actually did sort of the same thing. She said she felt funny and then leaned to the side, we laid her on the floor and she was almost paralysed and staring and when she finally came too she said she was partly conscious and aware but just couldn’t speak like she was frozen.
it happened again in the ambulance a couple of times but she was okay, hers was due to not eating

14-07-21, 16:20
Thanks for sharing, I have been besides myself with worry. It helps to hear similar things happened to others who were ok in the end.

14-07-21, 17:31
I work with 14 year olds... we have them pass sometimes just be being hot and dehydrated and locking their knees out at PE. Most 14 year olds don't drink enough water...I seriously think soda flows through their veins. Additionally, if it was her time of the month, that could have caused it as well. I know it's scary because it's your baby, but these things happen. I wouldn't worry about seizures or more serious issues unless there's a repeat.

14-07-21, 20:06
Thanks for sharing your experience… she did get her period the same day she passed out. I just fear it happening again. We had another lesson yesterday and she had a panic attack this time. She didn’t pass out, but was clammy and felt weird and hot, so we cut the lesson short. Even the instructor said it looked more like a panic attack this time. She just tensed up. She won’t tell me why.

14-07-21, 21:11
She's probably scared of the horse. She probably doesn't want to tell you because like most young girls, she was begging for those lessons for a long time!

15-07-21, 00:09
My grandson and his family were in a car accident. He went completely unconscious with his eyes open. It really scared his parents, but he was okay.

15-07-21, 01:56
Hi there -- believe it or not, this sounds very familiar, as it happened to me when I was 16. Exact same conditions -- hot day, no food or water, passed out with eyes half open and weirdly positioned, family took me to ER. ER seemed *convinced* I must be pregnant (eye roll) but gave me IV fluids and did bloodwork and ordered an EEG. Everything came back clear but that EEG electrode paste was a nightmare to get out of my hair! I passed out a lot as a teen, and honestly, I think it's part of what's set of my lifetime of worrying "is something wrong with me? am I about to be sick?" -- sound familiar, HA people? It got so that I, too, would panic and feel faint from just worrying about fainting.

Don't press her too hard, and let her literally get right back on that horse (with helmet and vest of course) :) Good luck.

15-07-21, 03:55
Thanks so much for sharing your stories, I really appreciate it. I’m still worried sick, but it’s helping to hear this happened to others.