View Full Version : I’m back - visual issue again

12-07-21, 22:00
Hi All,
You probably didn’t miss me at all, but I’ve been okay for a while and not needing your help. I’ve been doing EMDR therapy. It’s been good for me overall. The past few days, however, things inside me and in my past have recently broken through big time, and my dysfunctional way of coping, health anxiety, has hit me hard. I need you again.

Here’s my latest dilemma. I don’t know whether to go to the doctor for this. (A common theme for me.) I was driving home and my left eye was blurry. I have dry eye, so that’s the likely culprit there. However, I couldn’t leave well enough alone. I closed my right eye for a while to see what exactly I could and couldn’t see with my left. After several seconds, I started to get a darkish blob in the vision of my left eye. I blinked and it went away. I closed my right eye again and the same thing happened again. I finally got sensible and stopped closing my one eye.

My last complete eye exam was March 1 of this year. Would you go to the doctor for this? My irrational anxiety induced state doesn’t know what to think about it.

Thank you!!!!

15-07-21, 04:08
Hi, I think if you had an eye exam in March you are fine, the doctor would have seen an issue during the exam if one existed. My eyes have been blurry lately too, especially one at a time which sends me into the same loop of closing one eye to test how bad the blurry eye really is. I think it is just seasonal allergies.

15-07-21, 14:44
Thank you for your response longnovember. It means a lot to me. 👍

15-07-21, 16:28
I do this too! Especially since I had cataract surgery. I do know though that my eyes are fine, normal, and I just need to think about other things.

So easy isn't it... ;)

15-07-21, 17:27
An understanding response goes a long way to helping me get back on track. Thanks again Speranza. 🤗