View Full Version : Vertigo?

13-07-21, 07:11
Morning. Sunday I had what can only be described as a really bad dizzy spell while out walking. Luckily I wasn’t far from home. It made me fall to the ground as I had nothing to grab on to. On and off through the past few years I’ve had a feeling of walking on a boat , but nothing like this. The nurse has said it’s vertigo and given me some tablets. My anxiety is now really bad again and I darent leave the house in fear of it happening again. I have health anxiety too which of course is not helping. Has anyone had this type of feeling before and how do you get over it enough to get confidence to go back out again. I’ve got cervical spondylosis in my neck upper back and that’s playing me up too, not sure if it’s all connected. Thank you for reading. 😘

13-07-21, 11:39
I had vertigo and dizziness a couple of months ago. I think it lasted about 8 weeks or so. Mine happened every time I lay down flat or moved my head a certain way. My neck muscles were extremely tight at this time. I had had a sinus infection not long before it started and GP thought it was as a result of that. Anyway, I never thought I’d get better but literally one day a couple of weeks ago I woke up and it was gone! I’m sure yours will disappear as quickly as it came. I read ALOT about dizziness and it’s rarely anything sinister-and extremely common!

13-07-21, 13:21
Aww thank you Anna for your reassurance. Im glad it’s gone for you. I need to be able to drive by the weekend so im hoping I’ll have the confidence as I don’t want it to happen while im driving. Yes my neck muscles especially on the left are really tight and painful. So could be to do with that too. Thank you again 😊