View Full Version : Still Having Energy Issues, Crashing, Etc.

16-07-21, 11:39
So..its been about 4 years and I am still dealing with the same health issues I have been. I truly 100% no longer its anxiety anymore, but im lost as to what is going on with me I deal with so many things.

-I feel fatigued essentially 24/7, like I've run a marathon, doesnt get better or worse from anything specifically.
-I get low blood sugar feelings when I dont eat for 3-4 hours and bad crashes, and sugar doesnt fix it only eating solid foods, I've checked my blood sugar so many times. Its always perfectly normal
-I feel more sore than I ever did before, and my nerves feel more sensitive, I get more numbness than I used to all over really.
-I get awful chest pressures and popping, and throbbing at the bottom of my sternum, upper stomach/lower chest. I believe its my hiatal hernia, I've been to a cardiologist he thinks my heart is good, I do have a hiatal hernia ,and that could explain it but its awful..I cant bend, lift, or even moving from leaning forward causes massive pressure and my heart rate to jump up and just awful symptoms.
-My throat squeezes badly and is beyond extremely sensitive to the touch, I believe that may be my TMJ, but I cant tell for sure. Its not the globus sensation, its more from outside-in, doesnt feel like theres something in my throat

I've been to 3 doctors a GI, and a cardiologist in the 4 years. The 3 regular doctors were quite frankly useless except for the last one is a little better and did some blood work, and did find my cholesterol which was a little high which was fixed with diet. The GI doctor did investigate and found my hiatal hernia, and some stomach issues from Acid Reflux, the cardiolgist did check me over and found my heart was ok, but im just really lost at this point. Even with my anxiety at a basically 10 year low the symptoms just continue to not improve, and infact get worse, which just stresses me out more. Its even more stressful that it seems like my doctors dont wanna investigate or help much, they just say "you're bloodwork comes back ok come back in a year" even when I say "but I still feel bad"

16-07-21, 20:40
Please don't hate me, but I wonder if your anxiety has just got better at hiding?

I almost NEVER know mine is there in my head.

But my body does.

17-07-21, 09:03
I really dont think it is..I can still see my anxiety, but this stuff is all just so consistent and isnt totally effected by emotional stuff, obviously it can occasionally make it worse as it would with anything, but theres just too much that keeps happening out of the blue when I feel fine mentally.

22-08-21, 18:01

I think I remember a thread of yours about this before that I commented on. Just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear you're still going through this. I have VERY similar symptoms to the ones you're describing and have described before and I'm also completely at a loss for an answer as to what's going on. Anxiety wise, I've been doing really well, but these "episodes" of whatever on earth is happening are only getting more frequent. I'm convinced anxiety isn't the cause, only a vehicle for feeling worse when it does happen.

Have you been tested for any autoimmune disorders? I was wondering if it might be something reactive like inflammation that gets randomly triggered. It could possibly be an explanation for the symptoms happening so sporadically. I've attempted to raise this subject with doctors but they completely dismiss it and tell me to be less stressed.