View Full Version : Vision = Stress?

17-07-21, 18:46
Hi everyone,

I want to preface this by saying I went to the eye doctor and she said my vision is 20/20. I have also broken down and taken medication after 3.5 years of just counseling to control my anxiety. I’d love to say this is a side effect of the medication I took, but I’m only 1 dose in.

Last Friday I started a 14 day nexium regimen for acid reflux. Sometimes I have to do this for a flare up, no biggie. Well that day I was also driving and felt like there was so much glare happening from my windshield. I went home after my errands and thought nothing of it. Saturday I didn’t drive anywhere and forgot to take the Nexium-no symptoms. My family was here and I felt fine, other than reflux. I began Nexium again on Sunday and took it until Thursday this week (same day I saw my eye doctor.) She reviews my eyes with some eye drops- not to dilate, but they actually felt good. She asked if I’ve been under a lot of stress and I said yes (I’m POA for my grandmother with Alzheimer’s so selling her house, handling her finances and health, handling my own two littles- one who is about to start kindergarten and going through an adoption process for our final child to join our family. Coincidentally we found out Friday morning we weren’t chosen by a birth mother. So yes, a lot of stress. Some finally relieving- closing on my grandma’s house was last Tuesday.

I’m sorry for so much context, but my concern is I feel like my far vision is blurred (I think it’s called nearsighted-when you can only see good close up) I can see fine close up, no blurriness at all. I start to work myself up and then I get a bit of a headache, but otherwise I don’t have one. I feel some tightness in my jaw-TMJ style and try to release it when I notice. I can see nature type stuff outside without blur, but distant signs are blurry. If I put sunglasses on I find some relief.

Is this anxiety? Is this truly stress? My stress symptoms are typically reflux and gastritis so I’m wondering if I’m adding more symptoms to physical stress signs. If you’ve experienced this what helped you pull yourself back together visually? I feel like if I could pop my eyes out and not be triggered by the what if’s until they’re better from the stress I’d do a lot better-lol. Thank you for reading this and even more for replying. I appreciate you all.

Off to try some eft tapping and yoga nidra.

17-07-21, 19:50
Hiya, all I can say is that everything you describe CAN definitely be anxiety. As you've had a thorough check, I'd go with that.

Do you know what I'd focus on if I were you? The fact that you felt the need to sort of apologise for yourself on a forum when we're all in the same boat: "I've broken down and taken medication."

My experience is that meds can work so much better when we do a little extra work on our attitude to them. I used to be completely accepting that others might need meds but 'secretly know' I'd never go that route.

I'm as open as I can be about being on Prozac. I'm lucky enough to have a public platform as I am a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church. I mentioned my meds the other week and said, "As far as I am concerned it's like taking Lemsip when you have a cold."

It really helps to be on your own side. And subconsciously judging ourselves only adds to the anxierty.

I've had lots of eye symptoms and I know that most of them have simply been anxiety. Be honest with your optician and ask them for real reassurance. They will understand. And keep talking to us. xx

17-07-21, 21:13
Hi everyone,

I want to preface this by saying I went to the eye doctor and she said my vision is 20/20. I have also broken down and taken medication after 3.5 years of just counseling to control my anxiety. IÂ’d love to say this is a side effect of the medication I took, but IÂ’m only 1 dose in.

Last Friday I started a 14 day nexium regimen for acid reflux. Sometimes I have to do this for a flare up, no biggie. Well that day I was also driving and felt like there was so much glare happening from my windshield. I went home after my errands and thought nothing of it. Saturday I didnÂ’t drive anywhere and forgot to take the Nexium-no symptoms. My family was here and I felt fine, other than reflux. I began Nexium again on Sunday and took it until Thursday this week (same day I saw my eye doctor.) She reviews my eyes with some eye drops- not to dilate, but they actually felt good. She asked if IÂ’ve been under a lot of stress and I said yes (IÂ’m POA for my grandmother with AlzheimerÂ’s so selling her house, handling her finances and health, handling my own two littles- one who is about to start kindergarten and going through an adoption process for our final child to join our family. Coincidentally we found out Friday morning we werenÂ’t chosen by a birth mother. So yes, a lot of stress. Some finally relieving- closing on my grandmaÂ’s house was last Tuesday.

IÂ’m sorry for so much context, but my concern is I feel like my far vision is blurred (I think itÂ’s called nearsighted-when you can only see good close up) I can see fine close up, no blurriness at all. I start to work myself up and then I get a bit of a headache, but otherwise I donÂ’t have one. I feel some tightness in my jaw-TMJ style and try to release it when I notice. I can see nature type stuff outside without blur, but distant signs are blurry. If I put sunglasses on I find some relief.

Is this anxiety? Is this truly stress? My stress symptoms are typically reflux and gastritis so IÂ’m wondering if IÂ’m adding more symptoms to physical stress signs. If youÂ’ve experienced this what helped you pull yourself back together visually? I feel like if I could pop my eyes out and not be triggered by the what ifÂ’s until theyÂ’re better from the stress IÂ’d do a lot better-lol. Thank you for reading this and even more for replying. I appreciate you all.

Off to try some eft tapping and yoga nidra.

Hiya 🙂
This is something thatÂ’s plaguing me also at the moment. ItÂ’s been about a month IÂ’d say and itÂ’s really wearing me down. It seems the more I stress the worse itÂ’s getting. ItÂ’s been awful in these current bright sunny days weÂ’re having here at the moment.

IÂ’ve also been to the optician and my eyes are healthy. IÂ’m near sighted but my glasses correct that.

I find tho now, even with my glasses on I cannot see properly to the end of my garden like I could before. ItÂ’s very fuzzy, also I feel like I can only look at things as a whole, I canÂ’t really look at things in detail (kind of a derealisation I suppose) but itÂ’s driving me crazy. IÂ’m on high anxiety at the moment, itÂ’s been about 6 months non stop and I have daily tension headache.

Goodness know what it is, but IÂ’m hoping itÂ’s just stress and anxiety!!

I hope you feel better soon xx

Sarah x

18-07-21, 00:28
You’re very kind to say that. You’re right I have always been accepting of others taking meds and I would even accept a script if it wasn’t for daily meds, but the daily meds I’d shy away from. I think that’s mostly bc like many, I’m worried about the side effects.

Thank you for talking to me. I searched and searched on here before posting my own thread as it’s been a little bit since I’ve posted. I know many say if you’re posting on here it’s more than likely anxiety bc if it were truly what we fear we’d be in the ER. I get that. I fear knowing too. I’m a real conundrum. Ha! I’m trying to keep my sense of humor and try really hard to limit phone time and use eye drops for dry eyes (optician said they look okay and not to dry now, but she advised me to keep going with the routine we’ve already established.)

I love that you’re a preacher! I’ve been praying over this as well as my HA and anxiety daily. Our church actually just had a conference about depression and anxiety and it was so heart warming to know so many in our church were suffering and it afraid to share. Sad that we’re suffering, but comforting that we have each other through it.

18-07-21, 00:31
I hate physical symptoms. I wish I weren’t so hyper aware of everything so I could chill more. I’m trying so hard for my boys. My anxiety is kind of making my mood crabby and I’m hating that. So I’m trying to focus on happy thoughts and doing what I can without focusing on my vision. I hope you’re able to focus on things too so that this will go away for you as well. It’s freaky to drive like this too-so for both of us I hope this goes away quickly and we find some anxiety relief soon.

19-07-21, 06:28
What I love about this site is that we are here for each other and there's no judgment.

Mostly I do great. When I don't, I know I can just spill it here. And one day you'll be here for me.

Keep talking, we're here for you. x

19-07-21, 20:27
Thank you ladies.

I’ve been trying to reduce stress by letting my husband take the reigns at home with our boys for a few days.

I’ve also noticed I see better and more clearly with sunglasses and blue light blockers. I was “practicing” reading the fine print on commercials last night, I could read it.

Some days I have a headache around the temples and tight jaw-I was thinking maybe this is TMJ or allergy related? I am truly trying not to consume myself with this, but if it sneaks up I allow it for 2 minutes and tell myself I’m making it worse if I do more than that.

20-07-21, 11:53
Very likely TMJ if you have that. Do you have any exercises? I have been given one or two which really help.

20-07-21, 18:14
I don’t, I’ve just been massaging the jaw where they hinge together. I’m afraid to google exercises lol, I don’t want to fall into the rabbit hole.

21-07-21, 08:53
That's a good one. Also, open your mouth as wide as you comfortably can, touch your palate with the tip of your tongue and then curl it backwards so the underneath is on the palate, take it back towards your throat (No you won't swallow it!) and hold for a few seconds with jaws as relaxed as possible. Do this several times and do that several times a day; it is astonishingly helpful.

22-07-21, 17:30
Thank you so much. I will do that. I’ll be honest I’m starting to worry more so I know that’s not helping me.

26-07-21, 14:46
About two and a half weeks into this and I can feel the worry creeping in. I have a regular annual physical on the 12th. I’m certainly praying this is gone by then, but seriously-anyone feel like it’s a focus visual issue? I have to really focus on the further away stuff, up close I’m good. Eyes 20/20 as of a week and a half ago. I’d say it’s not worse than two weeks ago and it’s definitely more glare/brightness/florescent lights/LED that seem to bother me. Is this stress/anxiety blurry vision if it’s like that?

I definitely have been under stress. If I could say something that happened the day I noticed it, we are adopting and that morning I got an email that an expectant mother picked another family. Maybe the stress of no longer waiting for an answer is the cause of this? We’d been waiting for an answer for about a month. Aside from that we have my five year old starting kindergarten, I have a 14 month old as well. I’m power of attorney for my Alzheimer’s grandma and playing go between with her four kids who struggle with communication and generally arguing with each other over everything. We’re preparing for a new car to fit three kids once our adoption happens and I’m a stay at home mom, so I do feel all of the financial stress even when it works in paper and I see it I still play ‘what if’ bc, well, anxiety.

So yes, if asked I’d say I’ve been under stress lately, but I’m still starting to become concerned. I’m using Thera tears Xtra bc I do have dry eye diagnosed-my eye doctor did say they looked “not too bad” at the visit I had about 10 days ago. Ugh anxiety! I see my counselor via telemedicine Wednesday afternoon as I’m in Florida and the virus is starting up again so I’m hoping for some stress relief talking to her. Maybe I’ll go back to bi-weekly visits.