View Full Version : wobbly/shaky vision when waking up

18-07-21, 13:45
Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forum but I've been reading posts on here for a number of years (seeing if my symptoms could be due to anxiety rather than physical illness). The site has been a real help over that time.

I do have some strange symptoms now and I can't find any answers... I thought I would see if I'm the only one experiencing these distressing symptoms or not.

In a nutshell, as soon as I wake up from sleep (not getting up or moving but simply opening my eyes) I get "wobbly" or shaky vision for a few seconds, mostly an up/down oscillation. This happens when I focus on an object like a wooden beam in my bedroom or an led on my TV. I don't have associated vertigo.

I have googled (big mistake) and come up with nystagmus. This nystagmus is basically always a bad sign when you're not born with it and don't have vertigo. I saw my doctor who couldn't see any nystagmus (this is normal because I don't fall asleep and wake up in her office). I saw an opthalmologist who said that my eyes were fine.

I saw a neurologist and had a brain MRI with contrast and nothing was found. The neurologist says that she doesn't know why this is happening to me because the MRI was completely clean. She says that my troubles are not neurological in nature.

I am extremely worried about having some form of brain degeneration - nystagmus can be a symptom (this degeneration is not typically seen on MRI). The neurologist is adamant that I have nothing wrong and when I ask about brain degeneration she says "you're simply too young" (I'm 29). I don't find that reason to be very valid as some brain degeneration occurs in younger people and there are always exceptions.

Anyways, I apologise for the long post but was just wondering if others had experienced this wobbly morning vision immediately after waking.
