View Full Version : Scared to death of karma

20-07-21, 06:31
I’ve been worrying if reincarnation is true I don’t like the thought cause it’s says if that happens everyone has karmic debt which they have to suffer in their next life. A lot of Hindu people believe it there’s a lot do stuff about it and it scares hell out of me as it seems if true we have no way to stop the karma. There a specific kind called prarabdha karma which they say you could never change which says you could get a deadly disease to pay for something you did in a past life and there’s nothing you could do to change it. This is scary I don’t want to believe in all this but there’s a lot of proof I sometimes worry if my anxiety and suffering is all cause of this I just don’t know what to think. I need advice is this true I don’t know how stop worrying

20-07-21, 08:23
I really need to get myself some therapy! Or new reading glasses. I read this as. 'Scared to death of korma'? :huh:

To be fair, I knew a girl who found a pubic hair in her korma. Actually she found several. This is what happens when a bunch of cricketers get drunk! :whistles:

Korma/karma - whatever..

We've been here before haven't we? Pardon the pun. I mean that you have done the reincarnation thing on here before? And not that long ago if my memory serves me rightly?

I could launch into a long-winded post but I think I would be wasting my time so I'll leave it to Marie Curie...

Nothing is to be feared, it is to be understood.

And if you're scared, it's probably because you don't understand.

Don't fear the korma!

At the end of the day, I have enough shite to worry about in this life. :unsure:

You've been told before - stay away from this sort of stuff if you're scaring yourself silly!

There's a lot of really unhelpful stuff on the internet, and most of not true. You need to be more selective of what you read lovely.

20-07-21, 19:05
I don’t think I’ve posted about reincarnation before but it’s really bothering me I feel like we don’t know if it’s true and I wonder why many people believe it makes me feel more believe that then don’t. I don’t think anyone has posted about this in here and there no advice on how to stop worrying about it

21-07-21, 03:51
Anyone have any advice I need it

21-07-21, 05:20
Sorry you're feeling rubbish.

The problem with anxiety is that it will latch onto anything as a way of tormenting you. Besides, look at all the other ridiculous things people believe.

Life happens, and there's often not a lot we can do about the crap that gets tossed our way. What's the point in worrying about something that might never happen, though, or might not happen for decades?

21-07-21, 07:56
I don’t think I’ve posted about reincarnation before but it’s really bothering me I feel like we don’t know if it’s true and I wonder why many people believe it makes me feel more believe that then don’t. I don’t think anyone has posted about this in here and there no advice on how to stop worrying about it


You posted about this...

Please help I reading about astrology and it was talking about it predicting your health and then I saw people talking about palm reading and that it’s accurate the readings. I have not nor ever go to a palm reading but being the anxious girl I am I looked up about life line and health line and saw a post about a line that means you’ll have cancer and it scared me. I’m not sure it my lines are that or not I keep looking at my palm and getting terrified. People all acting like astrology is a science and that it’s true. I hate the thought of life being predetermined and we have no choice as an anxiety sufferer thats not what I want to believe.Do you think anyone of this is true or anything worry about.

My previous comment stands: whether it's reincarnation, karma or lines on your palm: stay away from this kind of thing if you can't be rational. :shrug:

21-07-21, 09:19
Thank you yes I mean I do not believe in thst stuff it seems though my anxiety draws me to thst kind of stuff for some reason I never believed it but when I saw many people did I worried what if it’s true but I’ll stick to my first feeling which is that it’s not true. I just reading about things which feel out of my control I think that normal when you have anxiety though

21-07-21, 10:37
I just reading about things which feel out of my control I think that normal when you have anxiety though

When you have anxiety you have to help yourself SG, and that means not looking at things on the internet. This, you can control.

You are actively seeking these things out. So, when the urge to type something in hits you - you need to take a few seconds and remind yourself that what you're about to do will harm you - not physically, but mentally. Then shut the laptop lid down. Turn the phone off. Walk away.

Try and put your devices onto airplane mode when you're struggling. This switches off the Wi-Fi and means that you can't just pick your phone up and act impulsively. You'd need to go into your settings and change it back. This time could be enough to change your thoughts?

21-07-21, 19:42
The old morbid fascination appeal of all things abstract and frightening...It's a cause and effect issue, SG. "Just" reading/researching leads to misery but as Nora says, this is all within your control. No one is forcing you to scare yourself other than yourself.