View Full Version : Chronic pain in middle back and feeling sick

20-07-21, 19:24
I had a baby 4 months ago and since the birth I think I have developed anxiety. I have had trouble with pins and needles and whooshing head, had an mri and found cyst but nothing to worry about.
I had terrible backache and heartburn during pregnancy. I’m now in constant pain in left side of middle back, I’ve been having strange sensations when swallowing (feel like tongue is swollen but go says not) and last few weeks I have been regurgitating my food after certain meals.
Losing weight but difficult to say how much as still carrying baby weight too.
Been to gp and she thinks it’s kidney infection so currently on antibiotics.
Obviously can’t stop googling and convinced this is more serious with pancreatic cancer or oesophageal cancer on top of my list.

Can anxiety cause this pain and me being physically sick?

21-07-21, 01:06
Can anxiety cause this pain and me being physically sick?

Congrats on the baby! Boy or Girl?

To answer your question? Absolutely! (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)


21-07-21, 10:53
Hi I had a gorgeous baby boy, he was a little miracle ivf baby after years of trying. I think that and a combination of having a little health scare before he was born must have triggered this anxiety. I have never had anything like this before it’s awful, I’m so worried about getting sick and not seeing him grow up but the annoying thing is it means I’m distracted from enjoying him as much as I can now.
I’ve contacted local CBT counsellor and going to speak to my gp and try to nip this in the bud.
I think the kidney infection was causing some of the back pain as the antibiotics seem to have kicked in now. As you say the nausea and being hit sick is probably the anxiety.
Thank you for responding

21-07-21, 11:50
Congrats on the little guy! :) And good going on being proactive with this anxiety blip. You got this!

Positive thoughts

21-07-21, 11:53
Sounds like possible silent reflux or acid related issues to me? I’ve had this for years (especially during/after pregnancies-I have 5 children). It gives me back pain, tummy pain but mostly horrible throat/swallowing issues and the feeling of food and drink coming back up. Perhaps Google silent reflux and see if anything rings a bell? Very common problem and easily fixed, so nothing to worry about x

22-07-21, 13:48
Thank you I had a look at silent reflux and some of symptoms are similar. Back at gp tomorrow as they wanted to follow up on kidney infection, so will mention that the back ache just isn’t going snd some of the other symptoms. I think breastfeeding poor posture doesn’t help. Only thing with my gp is they tend to say it’s your body just readjusting which some of it is but can’t put it all down to that.

04-08-21, 22:37
Hi I just wondered how long it took for medication to work to improve your symptoms. I have been given some tablets and been on them for 2 weeks but no improvement really.
My backache is getting worse, not sleeping with it now and I’ve had bad couple of days convinced it’s cancer. I’ve lost more weight too.
Gp said if pain doesn’t go with tablets she will arrange further tests.