View Full Version : What to do.. advice needed

21-07-21, 21:58

So I’ve got all my health concerns being dealt with by doctor.l (eyes, heart, full bloods) So, so far so good that it’s all in hand, although no result back yet!
Now one thing I could use advice with is the feeling you get when you panic, do you know what I mean? When you have a thought that scares you do get like a pang of nerves around your sternum area… well I’m getting this a lot, and it’s uncontrollable, it’s happens the minute I open my eyes in the morning, it happens if I wake up in the night, and it happens when I think anything that upsets me..

Now I regularly use breathing techniques, I have chill time, I block unwanted thoughts the best I can, I try and ignore it, I have tried welcoming them..

But it’s really something that’s gone on long enough and I feel its harming my health? With each pang and how regular they are .

So if anyone has any coping techniques or if you are struggling with them.. please let me know.

It’s something that if I can get rid of, I think I’d calm down a lot


Sarah xx

21-07-21, 22:29
Hi, I know exactly what you mean - in fact it was a recurrence of this that made me realise I needed meds again for a while.

My daughter is very into alternative therapies and tells me this is to do with all the nerve endings in the solar plexus. Just knowing that helped me loads, for some reason. Realising it's nothing which will harm me, just a load of electrical activity focusing in a certain place.

It might, however, be your body nudging you to get [more] help..? xx

21-07-21, 22:57
Hi, I know exactly what you mean - in fact it was a recurrence of this that made me realise I needed meds again for a while.

My daughter is very into alternative therapies and tells me this is to do with all the nerve endings in the solar plexus. Just knowing that helped me loads, for some reason. Realising it's nothing which will harm me, just a load of electrical activity focusing in a certain place.

It might, however, be your body nudging you to get [more] help..? xx

thankyou for your reply, very reassuring!

im seeing my doctor, and also a very good osteopath (that’s very good with anxiety and positivity too). My doctor doesn’t want me to have meds, as he’s trying the ‘give me the all clear’ route first. As usually that’s all it takes. I just haven’t had the usual once over in several years!

But you know I think, this time, you maybe right about more help. It’s the longest spell I’ve ever had, and also the worst for physical symptoms, that have rocked me consistently for 7 months.

Ah well I should just keep trying!

Love Sarah x

22-07-21, 07:00
Now one thing I could use advice with is the feeling you get when you panic, do you know what I mean? When you have a thought that scares you do get like a pang of nerves around your sternum area… well I’m getting this a lot, and it’s uncontrollable, it’s happens the minute I open my eyes in the morning, it happens if I wake up in the night, and it happens when I think anything that upsets me..

To panic, you have to be thinking fearful thoughts. That sensation in your body is the fight or flight response. It's a very physical response to an imagined threat.

This sensation feels so much worse at night because everything is quiet and there's nothing to distract the mind away from it. Also, we feel alone. But it's no more dangerous at night than it is in the daytime. It's actually your body working as it should do, it's just that your brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not..

Now I regularly use breathing techniques, I have chill time, I block unwanted thoughts the best I can, I try and ignore it, I have tried welcoming them..

Don't block the thoughts. What's suppressed will be expressed in other ways - and that means anxiety. Allow the thoughts to come. They can't hurt you. Nor can the fight or flight response because that's there to protect you. Just observe the thoughts for what they are and challenge your thinking/reframe the thoughts. The deep breathing - well done you by the way :yesyes: - will actively turn OFF the fight or flight response but only as long as you stop fearing your thoughts! Fear will just keep triggering the fight or flight, it's like flicking a switch on and off!

But it’s really something that’s gone on long enough and I feel its harming my health? With each pang and how regular they are .

It's not harming you. It's just a sensation that feels unpleasant as most anxiety symptoms do. The more you focus on a symptom, the more you will get it because of the stress hormones which are released into your system every time you fear the sensation. When we are excited, we get sensations in our body - just the same. It's adrenalin.

Have a look into EFT (tapping) and when you get these sensations you can tap and say to yourself, 'This sensation feels unpleasant but I know what it is and that it can't hurt me'. By the time you've done a few rounds of tapping and deep breathing - you will have clamed things down.

A good podcast to teach you how to do this is Anxiety Slayer. Check it out Mrs R. X

22-07-21, 10:56
To panic, you have to be thinking fearful thoughts. That sensation in your body is the fight or flight response. It's a very physical response to an imagined threat.

This sensation feels so much worse at night because everything is quiet and there's nothing to distract the mind away from it. Also, we feel alone. But it's no more dangerous at night than it is in the daytime. It's actually your body working as it should do, it's just that your brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's not..

Don't block the thoughts. What's suppressed will be expressed in other ways - and that means anxiety. Allow the thoughts to come. They can't hurt you. Nor can the fight or flight response because that's there to protect you. Just observe the thoughts for what they are and challenge your thinking/reframe the thoughts. The deep breathing - well done you by the way :yesyes: - will actively turn OFF the fight or flight response but only as long as you stop fearing your thoughts! Fear will just keep triggering the fight or flight, it's like flicking a switch on and off!

It's not harming you. It's just a sensation that feels unpleasant as most anxiety symptoms do. The more you focus on a symptom, the more you will get it because of the stress hormones which are released into your system every time you fear the sensation. When we are excited, we get sensations in our body - just the same. It's adrenalin.

Have a look into EFT (tapping) and when you get these sensations you can tap and say to yourself, 'This sensation feels unpleasant but I know what it is and that it can't hurt me'. By the time you've done a few rounds of tapping and deep breathing - you will have clamed things down.

A good podcast to teach you how to do this is Anxiety Slayer. Check it out Mrs R. X

where would I be without you NoraB.

ive literally had these feeling all night and all morning. It frightens me because I read how dangerous constant adrenaline and stress is! And when I can’t get on top of it, I’m then more frightened! It’s such a stupid circle to keep going round!

I will try what you advised darling Thankyou

sarah x

22-07-21, 13:59
Maybe you should reevaluate just how "dangerous" constant adrenaline and stress is though? I've been a carer for my 2 adult children for 35 years, the last 2 of which have been horrendous in terms of stress. I'm still standing and haven't collapsed yet!:D

22-07-21, 17:00
Maybe you should reevaluate just how "dangerous" constant adrenaline and stress is though? I've been a carer for my 2 adult children for 35 years, the last 2 of which have been horrendous in terms of stress. I'm still standing and haven't collapsed yet!:D


yes, maybe you are right, sometimes I just need a swift wake up, and snap into reality!

I have two children (out of four children ) who have to have a lot of my attention. My 22 year old is chronic agoraphobia (hasn’t left the house in about 4 years, other than doctors or hospital visits., has an eating disorder, chronic constipation, and suicidal thoughts, so he just can’t be left. My middle son who’s 11, has Neurofibromatosis, and is disabled. I have PTSD from some really awful things in the past, so I’m just prone to be a terrible worrier!! And my kids need me! But maybe I’m being selfish and thinking of myself too much xx

I appreciate your reply so much

love Sarah x

22-07-21, 18:14
Actually I think it's helpful to think that your children don't need you and would be able to cope without you. I think my children would certainly be able to access more services without me doing everything for them and conveniently being seen as "competent".

I've read about your past health issues and I certainly understand the trauma you've been through. Have you ever actually had trauma therapy in the past? Has anyone suggested EMDR? I know how hard it is to get this one past the NHS though. They have woeful understanding of the complexities of trauma.

It is very hard being a carer 24/7. Do you have any practical help with your middle son? Somehow I doubt it.

No you're not being selfish. You're very frightened xx

22-07-21, 18:16
I can imagine that you are left to your own devices with your 22 year old too because he's too complex and straddles too many services to tick the right boxes?