View Full Version : Big spot on head has me panicking

22-07-21, 07:25
Basically the title. I cut my hair today and noticed this big reddish brownish? spot on my head. My hair has been long for years so I never would've noticed anything. I immediately went into a full blown panic attack when I saw this.

pics: https://imgur.com/a/50eE2bl

Does anyone know what it is? Or does anyone else have it?

I'm trying to make a dermatology appointment ASAP :(

22-07-21, 17:01
Looks a bit like eczema. I get it in my hair from time to time when I'm anxious. When I do I switch to Head and Shoulders sensitive and it usually clears up.

Are you getting any help with your HA?

25-07-21, 04:01
I get spots on my head from time to time. I do t know what causes them. They go away after a while.

My dermatologist is a melanoma specialist. He doesn’t think it’s worth it to check my hair. He said in all his years as a doctor he’s never had a case of melanoma under someone’s hair. He’s had a couple of cases in the part of the hair, but never under a lot of hair. So, he just checks my part.

I don’t know if that helps, but it doesn’t look like melanoma to me.


bin tenn
26-07-21, 14:29
That reminds me very much of some spots I had on my upper chest / shoulders several years ago. Showed them to my doctor and he said it was tinea versicolor, which is a common fungal infection. It's safe to Google the condition, it's very common, not contagious, and is easily treated. My doctor said he could prescribe selenium sulfide or I could buy it myself - it's just Selsun Blue. He said to rub a bit on the spots each day. I simply ignored it, and the spots eventually disappeared on their own.