View Full Version : Supposed stomach bug for over 3 weeks? IBS, Chron's, Cancer? Please help!!!

22-07-21, 22:54
Hi all,

I'm a 25 year old female I'd really appreciate some advice.

On 5th July I went to accident and emergency for headaches and some dizziness and I was given a stemetil injection and my blood test was clear - thankfully haven't felt like this since.

However the day after my hospital visit I started dry heaving, feeling naseuous and had diarrhea about 7 times. I spent the rest of the working week in bed not eating much food. I suspected I'd picked up a bug from hospital.

Come the weekend I started to get my appetite back so began eating normally, however Sunday night I was back on the toilet for about 8 times, dry heaving and feeling nauseous again.

I had a stool sample done but shockingly it came back normal! No bacteria, no blood, nothing.

Would a stomach virus show up in my stool? Also can they go and come back? Am I experiencing some kind of damage to my stomach lining?

I've felt fine for about a week and today I've been to the toilet 3 times, more dry heaving and still feel nauseous. My stool is like a caramel colour (sorry for TMI) when I eat, but today it is just pure water with no colour to it.

Days of flare ups since being on hospital on 5th July:

-6th July (start)
- 11th July
- 21st & 22nd July

I've been taking probiotics, never had any previous issues with IBS or food allergies. I'm going to phone my doctor again tomorrow to see what they can do as next steps as this has been going on for over 2 weeks now so I'm beginning to worry about Chron's, colitis, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, bowel cancer, etc. 😥

23-07-21, 08:12
Hi Danni,

I've no idea what this is but I'd say it's a very good idea to ring your doctor and don't be afraid to say you want some answers. Be a bit insistent if needed.

There are loads of things it could be, and it may very well be something that could be treated really easily and let you get on with your life. Diarrhoea in a heatwave is no joke. :(

Do you also have MH issues?

23-07-21, 12:03
Why do you keep deleting your threads?


23-07-21, 12:31
Thanks for your reply. I spoke to my doctor today and he still reckons it's gastroenteritis and it's just taking awhile for my stomach to heal - apparently this wouldn't show up in stool like a bacterial infection would. Back to bland foods for the foreseeable.

They're going to phone me again on Monday to see how I am and may request blood tests if I'm not feeling any better. They've said I don't need a colonoscopy because there's no blood in my stool.