View Full Version : Hugs for Nic xxx

23-07-21, 11:23
Please can you all send some HUGE love Nics way as she goes through some things?

Without going into details as that is not for me to say she so deserves and needs some good luck and some good wishes right now!

Love ya Miss P xxxx


23-07-21, 11:36
Take care, Nic, sending tons of love, hugs and good wishes your way xxx

23-07-21, 11:59

23-07-21, 12:10
Loads of love and good thoughts heading your way, Nic :hugs:

23-07-21, 13:31
Lots of love and thoughts….. hope you feel better soon xxx

23-07-21, 13:39
Wishing you strength and loads of positive vibes to deal with your latest challenges. I'm so sorry you have yet more worries but hoping for some better news soon for you:hugs:

23-07-21, 14:56
Whatever shit's going down Nic, you'll get through it. :bighug1:

Much love, Nora X

23-07-21, 16:30
Wishing you well; know its hard sometimes. :hugs:

23-07-21, 18:23
We miss you Nic! Hang in there! :hugs:

23-07-21, 19:47
:bighug1::bighug1::hugs: For Nic xxx

23-07-21, 20:19
Awww thanks everyone.:bighug1:

I had to have my beautiful fur baby Treacle put down last night and I have had her for 21 years - it has been a very stressful week with her getting ill and then so much worse that I had to make that choice.

I have also had sciatica for over 9 weeks now and really struggling with the pain so it has been one thing on top of another.

Pearly queen
23-07-21, 20:31
Sending hugs and hope whatever challenges you are facing you will get through them :bighug1:

23-07-21, 20:40
Really sorry to hear about Treacle. Also about your sciatica. Pain is so draining.

Sending love x

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

23-07-21, 21:38
Aww Nic :hugs: you must be in bits. I'm a mummy to a fur baby as well. Also had a cat that lived to be 21 which is a great age. It doesn't make it any easier though. My heart goes out to you.
As for the sciatica. Had that as well. Don't need to tell you the pain is horrendous. Get one of those gel packs you put in the fridge. And hard as it is, you have to keep moving as much as possible. It's worse when it sets, first thing in the morning and sitting too long. It will get better Nic. xx

24-07-21, 01:29
there is little worse than losing a fur baby. They become our children and there’s nothing we won’t do for them!! So sorry for your loss Nic. Thinking of you.

24-07-21, 08:36
I'm so sorry, Nic...There is such a huge void when you lose your fur baby..especially after 21 years of constant companionship.:hugs:

24-07-21, 08:39
Awww thanks everyone.:bighug1:

I had to have my beautiful fur baby Treacle put down last night and I have had her for 21 years - it has been a very stressful week with her getting ill and then so much worse that I had to make that choice.

I have also had sciatica for over 9 weeks now and really struggling with the pain so it has been one thing on top of another.

Oh you poor love!

I'm so sorry about your fur-mate. I've been there a few times Nic and it never gets any easier.. :(

24-07-21, 18:04
I'm so sorry about your fur-baby. Do not downplay your grief. It's okay to have as much grief from losing a pet as from losing someone else...they truly are members of our family. Be kind to yourself, Nic :hugs:

24-07-21, 19:10
I really am sorry Nic. Pets are family members like Vee says. The grief is every bit as real when we lose them :hugs:

24-07-21, 20:17
Just wanted to say how sorry i am to hear about your pet Nicola. I hope your sciatica improves too:flowers: :byebye: xxx

26-07-21, 01:05
Awww... I'm sorry to hear this Nic... sending strength and as always....

Positive thoughts

26-07-21, 02:33
Sorry to hear of your sad loss Nic, and the painful health problems you are enduring. Sometimes life has a nasty habit of throwing things at us in multiples when we would prefer to deal with these issues one by one to give us a bit more time to cope! Pets are part of the family and 21 years is a good age. Treacle has obviously been loved and well cared for, you did the best you could and didn't want any more suffering, and should be proud of that. You still have those happy memories together and will always treasure them. I still miss all the pets I've had over the years and are here no longer, but I still have the memories and the photographs and those close to me who remember them and their individual personalities too. You did the best you could for Treacle and should take pride in that.

Sending you lots and lots of hugs from a very warm Yorkshire :bighug1:XXX

26-07-21, 14:14
I've only just seen this post. Big hugs for you Nic :bighug1:

27-07-21, 15:17
Thanks to you all

I am finding it hard and keep going to check on her and forgetting she isn't here now.

It will take time to adjust.

I have a physio appointment tomorrow so I hope they can help with the sciatica.

27-07-21, 16:55
Sending you hugs Nic :hugs:

27-07-21, 17:52
That void left by a much loved fur baby is awful. It'll take time to adjust to her not being there physically especially when you're so used to giving her so much attention.

Hoping the physio will give you some relief from the physical pain:hugs:

29-07-21, 14:37
i'm so sorry about Treacle, Nic, hope your health improves :hugs:

its never easy saying goodbye to a pet, my sweetpea Ebony (cat) was only 7 when cancers snatched her away :hugs:

31-07-21, 05:47
So very sorry to hear about Treacle. It's heartbreaking when you lose a fur baby.

01-08-21, 18:55
Hi Nic

I am so sorry to hear about Treacle. Sending you warm wishes and love in your sorrow.

Love Els x

11-08-21, 20:37
Lots of hugs for Nic :hugs:

19-09-21, 12:03
How's Nic doing now? :hugs:

19-09-21, 13:10
I am still in pain with sciatica and getting fed up of it.

Thanks for asking xx

19-09-21, 17:48

19-09-21, 21:19
Sorry for your loss , people say it’s like losing one of the family but they are one of the family and for some their only family , Treacle is what I call my dog since she got old because she’s dark and moves very slowly unless food is involved , she’s 15 and a pain in the rrrs but she’s our pain and the thought of losing her kills me .
I have worn out my lower and middle back so I know both of your pains , I spend many a night laying on an ice pack or hot water bottle .
Hugs and hang in there x

19-09-21, 21:38
I am still in pain with sciatica and getting fed up of it.

Thanks for asking xx

Is there anything we can do to help, Nic? :hugs:

20-09-21, 00:50
Have you been given any exercises Nic?
The normal one is too lie on the bed, bring your knees up towards your chest with your arms cradling and fingers locked around the legs and rock from side to side.

20-09-21, 02:36
My husband has pretty bad sciatica flare ups as well. His physical therapist had him buy something called a Tens unit off Amazon. It’s got these little sticky pads and you hook these little connector things to it. It basically sends these low level pulses into the muscles of your back, wherever the pain is. He swears by it, says it helps loads. I tried it on some ankle pain once and it didn’t help me, but he says it sure helps him. I hope you feel better soon!!

20-09-21, 11:13
I had those glassgirlw when I had my bad foot too. Except I went to a treatment centre to have it. Knowing me I'd be worried I was doing it right and in the right place.
You have to be so careful with the back area as it can affect so many other areas.
I was born with a curvature of the spine and wasn't aware of it until I was an adult when my mum finally told me. I wish I'd known at school because I could barely do a forward roll in Gym class, it hurt so bad and you were forced to do these every week at school.
But I'm pleased to say after doing some very gentle exercises it has improved so much.
Nic I hope you find some relief soon. x