View Full Version : 10 second ecg ?

24-07-21, 13:00
So I'm 34 weeks pregnant have anxiety for about 10 years im pregnant with baby number 4

I've never suffered with anxiety related to my heart
But he other day I had a pause and thud heart palpitations put of the blue that started ...the were ever few seconds and lasted for 12 hours.

I took myself down to a&e they performed 2 ecg they were about 10 to 20 seconds long how can they detect anything on a 20 second ecg

They took blood tests and told me my bloods and ecg were clear and what I was having was ectopic beats.

Surely its lasting several hours has to be something more .... however the next day I woke up they were gone.

I'm now living in fear of having anymore of these I thought I was a goner ... is there anyway of me being able to just accept this any tips will be welcome

24-07-21, 19:06
The ekg is basically taking a picture of your heart rhythms. It only takes a few seconds to take, putting the stickers on takes longer.

Ectopic beats in the third trimester is pretty common, and lots of women experience them. How far along is your pregnancy?

24-07-21, 21:20
I'm 34 nearly 35 weeks pregnant .. I didn't know this was common in pregnancy and haven't had it with my previous 3 pregnancy

One off palpitations don't ever usually bother me but this was constant

I had a grip on my anxiety and now I'm back to square one

Also thank you for taking the time to reply

24-07-21, 22:57
I can confirm that yes, in some cases that's all the time an ECG takes - I had one done last year and like you, was amazed it took so little time: indeed yes, putting the electrodes on took longer.

25-07-21, 02:51
If you present with palpitations an ECG is given to see what the heart rhythm is. They can also see different variations that could offer clues to things like an electrolyte imbalance or previous heart attack etc.

Ectopics are extremely common, I actually felt my first PVC while in my 2nd trimester with my 2nd child. I had no idea that it even came from my heart until I felt it again a couple years later and got it checked out.