View Full Version : I need your support

13-11-07, 15:08
I'm really freaked out after a gynae scan today (following a problem smear)which showed my gynae bits are pushed back and twisted by my bowel - I've to see my GP this p.m. to see what happens next. I've always told my GP that I feel my breathlessness was caused by a pushing up from the stomach into the chest. Docs have maintained it was caused by reflux following op for hiatus hernia.

Mum died of liver cancer in August that probably started in the bowel which was only discovered because she had unexplained breathlessness and went for a chest x-ray.

So now my anxiety levels are sky high and I'm panicking about what will happen. Anyone have any experience of disease and/or investsigations for the bowel ?
I really need some support guys !

13-11-07, 15:18
Hello Neptuno,:hugs:

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time. I don't have any of these, but wanted you to know that you aren't alone.

There have been lots of posts for similar things, have you read them. Also talk to Nic, she has been through alot of these things.

Take Care and remember you aren't alone.

13-11-07, 16:36
Just to let you know you are not alone - I am having bowel/stomach problems and am due a colonoscopy in three weeks and am terrified.

I would imagine your Dr will send you to a consultant to get further tests.
You should see the consultant within 2 weeks and they will decide what tests need doing.

I have everything crossed for you that this turns out to be nothing or just a benign bowel issue, without more tests no one can say but remember you can post here anytime even if its just to rant rather than ask for reassurance as we all know how you feel.


13-11-07, 23:05

sorry, can't help much, but have my fingers crossed for you - am so sure you will be ok.


jess xxx

14-11-07, 10:10
Thanks everyone.
I did get some sleep last night but woke feeling anxious and trembly. Doing my best to rationalise everything - think calmly. One day at a time.

14-11-07, 16:19
Hi there

I am waiting for a bowel investigation - a sigmoidoscopy.

I hope your doc can reassure you and explain what can be done for you etc.

Let us know.

14-11-07, 16:26
Hi Neptuno

Ive never had this kind of thing done either, but just wanted to send you a hug:hugs: and hoping you will soon be feeling better.
