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24-07-21, 15:47
I am worried about whether or not I have lung cancer, as my shoulder is hurting a bit, a few weeks ago I jarred my shoulder on a train journey and think I pulled my arm) or more likely overstrech reaching for something,

I have done the crime of googling this and it says it could be lung cancer

I also heard a few weeks ago my Nan had a heart attack. she is out of hospital had some stents (sp? put in her arm.

24-07-21, 16:00
So you jarred you shoulder on a train journey, googled shoulder pain and you think its cancer now? :huh:

Hope your Nan is feeling better.


24-07-21, 16:12
So you jarred you shoulder on a train journey, googled shoulder pain and you think its cancer now? :huh:

Hope your Nan is feeling better.


Thanks she is in her 80s, my Nan was unware she had a heart attack until she went to the hospital to have some bloods taken for her yearly routine checkups, thankfully the damage to her heart was minor from what she tells us. she did not take the 2nd option of triple bypass, I think she asked her daughter for an opinion as well, as one her daughters is a nurse, before talking to the doctors

My Grandad (even though he is not blood relative is also in his 80s , he had two heart attacks in the last 20 years and still fighting on, he recently found out he has cancer, but it one of the slow growing ones, still stage 1, )

I don't have a cough, or smoke.

24-07-21, 17:32
If you injured your shoulder it's that that is causing the pain. Not lung cancer.

Are you getting any help with you HA?

24-07-21, 18:43
If you injured your shoulder it's that that is causing the pain. Not lung cancer.

Are you getting any help with you HA?

Not at the moment, but I am go to self group sessions again soon

I also worried abiout the pain under my arm pit is a sign of lung cancer. I did jerked my arm in the taxi a few times the weekend we went up by the train as well.

24-07-21, 19:18
Not at the moment, but I am go to self group sessions again soon

I hope you pursue professional help Unsure. Your history here is quite extensive and you've been suffering for a long time. I know you have a diagnosed physical issue but its time to take a stand against the dragon and start to enjoy your life.


24-07-21, 20:29
I hope you pursue professional help Unsure. Your history here is quite extensive and you've been suffering for a long time. I know you have a diagnosed physical issue but its time to take a stand against the dragon and start to enjoy your life.


Thanks I also spend a lot of time on the computer, and have probably poor posture

25-07-21, 01:48
That’s a pretty big jump to make when you have no other symptoms except for a strained muscle. It sounds like you may be very susceptible to what you read, so I think a good first step for you would be to avoid Google for health diagnoses altogether.

25-07-21, 04:05
I don’t know if this will help or not, but my husband died of never smoker lung cancer. His shoulder never hurt. It wasn’t a symptom.

25-07-21, 09:59
I know sometimes my fingers and hands hurt as well (at the same time) but I spend a long time on the computer

I always think the worse

Maybe I need the website blockers on some sites, and have the cat link instead.

It is every pain/ache I get, I automatically think it is cancer. the pains come and go.

25-07-21, 17:33
I am also worried this could be a secondary cancer.

I know I had my testicles checked a few years ago for cancer, and cysts were just found (from ultrasounds) now and again I get the odd twinge

I worry about every pain and ache I get

27-07-21, 11:52
I am still struggling, I am still very worried I got something serious going on in me.

I been worried about penile cancer again, with things looking like fordeye spots, and other things to do with my penis,

27-07-21, 17:39
I referred myself to cbt

I am worried about my arm pain/shoulder pain that it is still cancer

and I still worried about my penis that is is penile cancer with little bumps, even though my Dad said he has them (fordye spots) and raise when it is warm.

My nervous are in a wreak.

29-07-21, 08:13
I also worried that this pain could be a sign of bone cancer, sarcoma cancer

29-07-21, 15:20
I went to the group session today

I am still very worried about the pain in my shoulder/arm, as I can put my handa behind my back and touch them one way but not the other

I have foolished read about pulled muscles articles on daily mail and similar and have come back with articles about it turned out to be sacroma or other types of bone cancer

My mum can't put fingers behind her back , but she had a frozen shoulder

I always think the worst

I am sleeping okay

but I worried I was in pain reaching down to put my electric toothbrush on charge last night

My mum notce a small bruise on my shoulder this morning which makes me worried this is also cancer

29-07-21, 19:56
I am worried also that the pain could be a sign of a heart attack.

I know my Nan had a heart attack a few weeks ago. but I am worrid every symptom is serious.

I am getting a phone call on Monday from the CBT office to help me. with my anxiety

Google is the problem

29-07-21, 22:46
Google is the problem. I just scared myself senseless looking up something I thought would be a no biggie.

I dont know if this will help or not, but I mentioned earlier that my husband died of lung cancer. He had no symptoms until all of the sudden the was too sick to even sit up and eat. There was no question. Something was very wrong with him.

I think you’re making the same mistake we all do, overreacting. (I’m really good at this.) Maybe you and I should make a pact to not google and try to distract ourselves with something good?

30-07-21, 16:46
Google is the problem. I just scared myself senseless looking up something I thought would be a no biggie.

I dont know if this will help or not, but I mentioned earlier that my husband died of lung cancer. He had no symptoms until all of the sudden the was too sick to even sit up and eat. There was no question. Something was very wrong with him.

I think you’re making the same mistake we all do, overreacting. (I’m really good at this.) Maybe you and I should make a pact to not google and try to distract ourselves with something good?

Thank you for your reply

My parents kept telling me there is nothing wrong with me

I worried when I brush my teeth from facing a certain way I always have the urge to wee (and do want to go to toilet staight afterwards) maybe I should go to the toilet first

30-07-21, 19:46
Google IS the problem. If you continue to use Google you will continue to believe that you have a variety of cancers/ sinister illnesses. You won't believe what you are being told by doctors or by your parents who live with you and recognise your HA behaviours.

You won't benefit from any therapy if you continue to invest in Google.

30-07-21, 23:51
I agree with the others. You're obviously spiraling here, falling into the same patterns you've exhibited for years. Might be best to take an internet break.


01-08-21, 16:42
I should try to stop googling but it like a drug.

I still got worries

With also my penis, sometimes when it is warm I get stickyness and it smells a bit funny, maybe I should wash better. but scared this is a sign of penis cancer, probably does not help me touching all the time down there, maybe I get trapped urine. i also worried about the penis head is sticky at times.

02-08-21, 19:16
I am worried about my tiredness whether this is a sign of advance type of cancer (and I don't know what i means been proper proper tired that is more likely cancer, than everyday tiredness)

My Dad talked to me about my worries, about stopping checking that I have not got cancer down there. that is for testicle, there is penile cancer which is rarely

I am still very worried about my shoulder pain, as I felt jerked my shoulder again, but it felt like it was coming from my jaw, I don't think I have broke a tooth or chip a tooth, as I am not in pain. as my shoulder pain comes and goes.

03-08-21, 14:33
I talked to my dad as I am still worried about my penile skin, penile melanosis , also scared that this is penile cancer but had them brown marks for about 15 years , and these brown marks have never bleed, also scared of penile skin cancer

but something would have been picked up on my blood tests and testicle exam which i had a few years ago

I know I shiuld only check once a month and not keep doing

Health anxiety is a beast

04-08-21, 14:37
I am getting worst and worst worrying about my health. it is every symptom now.

06-08-21, 08:30
I have also googled this, and i am thinking it a tooth shoulder pain when I pull my arm in a certain way. but my teeth don't hurt at other times.

Also thinking my shoulder pain if that what it is, could be a lymphoma, something pressing inside me

A tumour growing in my body, causing the pain

Last night I was worried because I struggle to eat some food, as it took me three attempts to swallow it as I spat it out, maybe small mouthfuls than I google it and I read it could be a cancer or dysphagia, I was eating pasta as we don't always have potatoes, chips etc

06-08-21, 15:08
I have also googled this, and i am thinking it a tooth shoulder pain when I pull my arm in a certain way. but my teeth don't hurt at other times.

Also thinking my shoulder pain if that what it is, could be a lymphoma, something pressing inside me

A tumour growing in my body, causing the pain

Last night I was worried because I struggle to eat some food, as it took me three attempts to swallow it as I spat it out, maybe small mouthfuls than I google it and I read it could be a cancer or dysphagia, I was eating pasta as we don't always have potatoes, chips etc

Lymphoma has nothing to do with shoulder pain. And most eating issues have nothing to do with cancer. Go get your shoulder looked at and move on.

04-09-21, 13:26
Lymphoma has nothing to do with shoulder pain. And most eating issues have nothing to do with cancer. Go get your shoulder looked at and move on.

Thanks I did go to get my shoulder looked at the doctors he says I got a bit of inflammation and maybe Repetitive strain injury, he also could not feel any lumps underneath my arm. he says it could take 6 -12 weeks to heal.

I am trying to trust my GP, but thinking the worst that it is sign of cancer

I don't smoke myself, but 2nd hand smoke over the years , gives me a possible low risk of lung cancer in the future or it may not happen

07-09-21, 20:12
I’m so sorry you are struggling with all these things. I don’t know what to say to help except that I will send virtual hugs and prayers your way.


07-09-21, 20:26
I’m so sorry you are struggling with all these things. I don’t know what to say to help except that I will send virtual hugs and prayers your way.


Thanks I have ask the question to the chemist about the anxiety tablets I am taking can I take paracetamol and ibuprofen if my shoulder/arm plays up. I been suffering from anxiety for 10 years, my GP will probably ask me how my arm/shoulder is, but he did not even have to listen to my lungs. I know it a low risk with passive smoking, and I am 37.

07-09-21, 20:42
Yes. It is highly unlikely that you have lung cancer. Anxiety isn’t reasonable though. It makes us scared of things that we don’t need to worry about.