View Full Version : Ibs around periods worried about bowel cancer

24-07-21, 19:42
My gp diagnosed me with ibs the lazy way (not really any tests). I had bloods done but no endoscopy - just MRI for my fibroids but that’s unrelated.
I’m having a very bad ibs flare up and I’m on my period - trying to find a connection between the 2 online (basically to calm down) I found that ibs around periods was a symptom of bowel cancer for someone and now I’m having a panic attack. Please talk some sense into me I’m having a really hard time

24-07-21, 21:21
It's a much more common symptom of Endometriosis, which doctors often don't bother to check for. Find a sympathetic Gynae person and talk to them.

24-07-21, 22:42
Thank you for replying. I had an MRI of my uterus very recently, so it’s not gyne related. Would my bloods have shown anything? I had them done last week. I just don’t know if calling the doctor again or just wait till this flare up passes and see if it comes back next month? I’m a proper mess

25-07-21, 01:28
I have never been diagnosed with IBS, actually I don’t really have issues with that normally. But I always, always, have issues with that around my time of month. I would think that if this isn’t a constant issue, and seems to improve after your cycle, that it really isn’t anything to be concerned about. If it was something like bowel cancer surely you’d have issues constantly, not just a few days out of a month??

25-07-21, 08:22
Thank you for replying, I really appreciate it as I tend to lose perspective. I have issues on and off which my gp says is ibs, but this time has been very bad. I stupidly read online about this woman who had ibs attacks around her period and then turn out to be the worst… I’ve been feeling unwell for so long I just can’t be rational anymore :(

25-07-21, 08:25
I always have issues around my period, right from when I started at 16. I thought it was a common thing!

25-07-21, 09:14
MrsEd I’m sure it is! And I have to say the older I get the worse the issues are, I’m almost 43 and they are more dreadful every time.
I’m just extra nervous because my ibs has always been bloating and gas related and now I have been having diarrea and upset stomach for 4 days which is not like me :(

25-07-21, 11:21
Just discovered I have bruises everyone please help me I can’t deal with this

25-07-21, 18:44
I thought that fibroids caused troublesome periods?

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25-07-21, 20:23
They do. Endo doesn't show up on scans. The only way to know for sure if you have it is a laparascopy. The most common symptom is painful periods.

26-07-21, 12:36
Thank you I’ll ask my doctor about it. It’s not just pain though, it’s diarrea, stomach pain, bloating, acid… I just started eating after 3 days I’m so tired, still didn’t go to the loo properly :(

26-07-21, 15:49
My daughter had all those symptoms with Endo. Certainly worth asking.

26-07-21, 17:19
Thanks again I’ve never considered it before. I’m in such a estate :(

26-07-21, 20:16
Look up the gynecologist on YouTube her name is Mamma Dr Jones.
She has a video called period poops. Fits you like a T.

27-07-21, 17:04
Thank you! Will definitely have a look x

28-07-21, 02:53
Look up the gynecologist on YouTube her name is Mamma Dr Jones.
She has a video called period poops. Fits you like a T.

Nancy, that’s too funny - my daughter and I have both termed them “period poops” ever since she got her first period ten years ago. Never knew anyone else called them that too :roflmao:we both deal with that during our time of the month as well.

28-07-21, 16:43
Nancy, that’s too funny - my daughter and I have both termed them “period poops” ever since she got her first period ten years ago. Never knew anyone else called them that too :roflmao:we both deal with that during our time of the month as well.

I thought it was just me lol. Then I saw this video