View Full Version : Crazy symptoms

24-07-21, 20:14
My doctors keep telling me its anxiety that I have but i have convinced myself its more serious then that, I think i have ms or a brain tumor 😭 thanks to many sleepless nights googling my symptoms. Im so fed up of feeling like this. Iv suffered daily since Sept last year (it was an awful year I lost 2 of my much loved family members). Im scared that because the doctors know this there just saying its anxiety but there not looking into it properly. It doesn't help that every time I see/speak to the doctor I burst into tears because I'm so done with feeling like this. I have 3 young daughters and I just feel useless. Here's a list of my symptoms

Any advice is much appreciated thank you x

Swaying, bobbing sensation
Pins and needles in hands a lot for no reason and sometimes feet
Arm weakness
Tender scalp
tingly face
Tingly tongue
Neck ache
Tremors (sometimes)
Back ache (between shoulder blade)
Squeezing sensation/pain/tingling in forehead, eyebrows and bridge of nose
Tinnitus (pulsating, whooshing) Sometimes
Sometimes sharp pain in head
Kaleidoscope vision when eyes are shut (sometimes)
Body jerks when falling asleep (sometimes)
Head can feel heavy
Tingly legs
Sometimes vision is a bit cloudy, have to blink to clear it.
Can only sleep for a couple of hours
Diarrhea and constipation
Nausea and stomach cramps

24-07-21, 21:24
Hi, I know it is really difficult to believe, but all of these symptoms can most certainly be down to anxiety!

The tingling and pins and needles are connected to disordered breathing (hyperventilation) and WILL NOT HARM YOU.

I've had all these symptoms for about 50 years and I am still the healthiest person in my family.

Try to believe the GP. BUT also, I would really, REALLY recommend referring yourself for counselling. You have been through a terribly difficult time and could do with some support moving forward. No wonder you're anxious. xx

24-07-21, 21:28
Thank you for your reply, iv had CBT in Feb but I didn't gain any benefit from it as it was over the phone 20 min conversation 1 a week. Ill see if there's any other options for me though x

24-07-21, 21:38
Also is it normal to feel these symptoms daily even when im having a good day (not necessarily worrying about anything) im a natural worrier i always have been and especially since becoming a mum. My health has always been my biggest worry so the slightest thing causes me to panic and google 😥 its a vicious circle that I cant get out off. Im currently pursuing my most wanted career as a dog groomer but this is really affecting me x

25-07-21, 01:44
I get these symptoms all the time. Sometimes all in the same day lol. And yes, I even get them when I think I’m having a “good” day. You eventually don’t notice them as much and you’ll move on to the next symptom. The vicious cycle of health anxiety. Best to learn some management techniques now before next time!

25-07-21, 17:56
I had a lot of these symptoms recently had mri and it was clear, I think lots of it is anxiety related. I’ve managed to calm most of these feelings down now except for ongoing backache (feel it’s more like muscle or some sort of organ pain) which is really painful, I was trying hard not to google but did and you can imagine the awful things it said it could be.
Like you I’m a mum and its the thought of leaving the little one that seems to have really caused my anxiety

25-07-21, 18:59
Its awful isnt it, did you have the symptoms daily even on good days, its the tingling in my face and arm weakness with is scaring me so much because its the main symptoms for ms 😢 x

26-07-21, 10:15
Hi yes I was getting them all the time when I was really bad, my ha ds and feet would tingle, my face would tingle and felt like it was numb at times, I described the inside of my head as whooshing or wobbling my ears would feel full, and the eye sensation were horrible. I felt like I couldn’t swallow and I was convinced I had something wrong like MS or brain tumour or something. My gp was ok and referred me to neurologist who said it was possibly hormonal after baby but he did mri for reassurance and it was fine.
I am still struggling a bit but with back pain and stomach issues, I’m losing weight which is scaring me but if I stand back I think it’s still all anxiety related and consuming all my energy.
Go to your gp though as that was just my story but it’s worth checking and getting the reassurance if that will help

27-07-21, 21:56
Swaying, bobbing sensation
Pins and needles in hands a lot for no reason and sometimes feet
Arm weakness
Tingly tongue
Tinnitus (pulsating, whooshing) Sometimes
Body jerks when falling asleep (sometimes)
Tingly legs
Can only sleep for a couple of hours
Diarrhea and constipation
Nausea and stomach cramps

When my anxiety was it its worst (focused on heart), I had all of these. It was awful. Of course I didn't want to believe it was just anxiety either. It almost definitely is.

28-07-21, 07:02
Thank you for this, although horrible its reassuring. How long did it last and was it daily. Its the pins and needles and tingly face thats makinging me think I have MS 😭 iv been seen by a neurologist who said none of my symptoms are red flags for it and she thinks it anxiety but I cant seem to accept it at all x

28-07-21, 11:43
Thank you for this, although horrible its reassuring. How long did it last and was it daily. Its the pins and needles and tingly face thats makinging me think I have MS  iv been seen by a neurologist who said none of my symptoms are red flags for it and she thinks it anxiety but I cant seem to accept it at all x

The swaying sensation was pretty much constant as were the pins and needles/tingling legs.

I know it's hard when you're in the middle of a HA spiral, but you just have to try to find a way through it.

I still spiral now and then but they last for days rather than months like they used to.

28-07-21, 12:09
This is really helpful thank you x

28-07-21, 21:28
At the height of my episode all my symptoms were pretty constant, with the head and eye sensations feeling really bad when I was in bed. I would also have other symptoms depending on what I thought was wrong with me. I have been doing a bit of individual CBT stuff and have managed to secure 6 sessions with a counsellor. I think acknowledging that it is anxiety really helped me. I’m still not sorted as I’m having back and stomach issues but most of the other stuff has stopped or reduced massively. I’m still worried about my weight but I’m breastfeeding, had a bout of anxiety and not eating as well as I should.
I’ve been to see the gp and she thinks my ongoing issues could also be worse due to kidney infection. I’m on 2nd course of antibiotics now, hopefully that will shift it and I’m trying to get back into better eating habits. I still have the darker thoughts at some point each day that I’ve got cancer but trying really hard with some of the CBT tools which are helping.

29-07-21, 04:51
It sounds like your on the right path, its such a horrible thing to deal with. I just know every morning when I wake up im gonna be feeling the exact same as the day before and it gets me down. My arms and neck are aching which makes my job difficult as I'm a dog groomer. Then the tingling starts in my arms face and legs, then the thoughts that I must have MS 😥 x