View Full Version : Stuffy nose, anxiety and a vicious circle of symptoms

24-07-21, 20:29
Been having a bit of a rough time the last couple of days. Nose is very stuffy particularly at night, and last night didn't get much sleep at all. due to feeling as if I wasn't getting enough air f.ow through nose and felt myself breathing harder and deeper to compensate.

Today, I've been feeling worn out, and experiencing periodic stuffiness - it is still quite muggy down here where I live - and now have a constant feeling of wanting to cough and clear my throat and chest. I am also pretty tense and feel like I can't expand my chest enough to get a deep breath in or out. Feels like my stomach is burning up under my ribs...

Suspect I have just wound myself up with anxiety causing the symptoms or vice-versa in that vicious circle..... anyone else get like this?

24-07-21, 22:27
Could well be the heat and that makes you get anxious and then you feel worse and then you don't sleep and then you feel worse. Kind of perpetuating the cycle.

24-07-21, 23:25
Well I certainly don't cope well with hot weather and the last week has been wretched, so the anxiety has built up. Thought that I would enjoy the relief from the end of the heatwave, but did not quite work out that way.

Have calmed down a bit now, and the physical tension has eased off a bit. Can take a deep breath now and my nose has suddenly 'opened up'. The things we do to ourselves when anxious - hard to believe that it is all muscular tension.

25-07-21, 07:25
It's awful isn't it, the mind is a very powerful thing.

Glad you're feeling a better than you were.

25-07-21, 07:27
Have you tried Sudafed spray? It’s not for long term use but it certainly works like magic!