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View Full Version : really starting too panic.

13-11-07, 15:32
hey guys, i'm getting into a panickie state as i just got a call from my gran saying that my grandad has to go into hospital. i'm really starting to worry and freak out as i'm home alone, so when my dad gets back i will have too tell him. i'm really panicing? please help?
please please reply
Love Louise

13-11-07, 15:48
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. :hugs:

I really fear situations like these but the advice I can give you is that lots of people who never experienced panic would feel this exact way in a situation like this. It's perfectly normal to feel anxious or upset. Who wouldn't? Take a moment to calm down and relax, and think about the positive, and try not to let your thoughts get sucked into the negative.

Hope you feel better and everything turns out alright! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

13-11-07, 16:09
Hi Louise,

Take a deep breath hun, it's going to be ok. Remember he is going to the best place. They will take care of him.

Also you are doing just like anybody would, you are going to be fine. Take some deep breaths, fix yourself some tea, and try to think positive thoughts.

Remember we are here, and you aren't alone.

13-11-07, 20:15
Hi Louise

Just wanted to send you a hug hun:hugs: and hoping you are feeling a little better this evening,hope your grandad is ok too:hugs: .


13-11-07, 21:37
Hi hun. I am new here, as a new sufferer of panic attacks. I can sympathise with every story or thread I read. One thing that helped me was knowing that it's not "me" who causes the attacks, it's a bit like having a faulty car-alarm, its hypersensitive and goes off for no reason. It's your sympathetic nervous system, over which your conscious brain has no control. Try this ... make saliva in your mouth ... it sounds simple, but if you can do that, you are actually influencing the part of your brain that thinks it can't be influenced. Every day when I wake up, I think of my mouth and make saliva, and I seem to gain some control where I had none! I went back to work today, after 2 months of panic attacks ... and your loved one is in totally the right place to be seen to properly ... I hope this helps ... Dizzy :-)

14-11-07, 16:23

How are things going with grandad now?

16-11-07, 01:27
hey just wanted too let you know that my grandad is out of hospital and he is okay needs to give up smoking completely though and he has too take 7 different medications. i also wanted too say thankyou so much for all your love and support when i needed it.
Lots of love Louise xxxxxxxxx