View Full Version : Eyes see colors a little differently

25-07-21, 03:54
Hi All,
I’ve been working really hard on my health anxiety this week. I’ve been doing meditation, good self talk, breathing exercises, and lots of stuff.

I still had my age old question come up - do I go to my doctor? It’s been hot and my eyes have been blurry. I probably shouldn’t do this, but I’ve been opening one eye and then the other to see which eye is blurry. (My new health anxiety goal is to not do this.)

Anyway, while doing this, I noticed my eyes see colors slightly differently. The same color also looks slightly different with both eyes open.

I don’t know if I need to see my ophthalmologist early (next appointment is mid September) or if this is normal and I’ve just noticed it.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

25-07-21, 08:37
Follow your new health anxiety goal, Debbie. This means not self-testing and coming up with something new to ruminate on.

In my opinion you need do nothing other than stop fixating on your eyes again.

25-07-21, 19:37
Oh I remember when I had health anxiety about this. Basically one of my eyes sees warm colors, and the other sees cold colors. I did some research and apparently that's totally normal due to uneven amount of rods and cones in the eye. Had this since I remember.

25-07-21, 19:42
Thank you Pulisa and Mostu. I appreciate your responses!!!

25-07-21, 19:46
Do you think we are fobbing you off? Do you think you can stop the self-testing? What benefit do you get from self-testing?

25-07-21, 20:21
No. I don’t think you are fobbing me off in this post at all. I’m grateful for your responses.

Yes. I think I can stop self testing. When I know a doctor appointment is coming up relatively soon, I seem to be able to stop self testing.

My usual response to health fears is to go to the doctor. I’ve worked really hard to minimize that. Anxiety isn’t usually rational, though, so I sometimes come to the forum to help me decide if something is serious enough to warrant a doctor visit.