View Full Version : Heavy arms / feel clumsy

25-07-21, 15:08
Hi I’m back again, a few weeks ago I had eye symptoms causing me major anxiety snd to re start Zoloft.
I’ve been ok for around 10 days now I started feeling like my hands are clumsy. I don’t physically drop or can’t do anything just have this “ feeling “ they don’t feel like they are working properly.
This probably doesn’t sound like it makes much sense it’s it’s hard to describe but does anyone else have this ? Of course my mind is tuning away with all sorts . Thank you

25-07-21, 16:24
It could be due to anxiety at varying times things haven't felt they are quite my own. More so my legs, but have had my hands too.

Or it could be a temporary side effect from restarting your medication.

03-08-21, 19:19
Whenever I worry about neurological issues (I've gone through many such patches) I get these feelings, it's like your limb feels weak or heavy or just like something isn't quite right but when you test it everything works perfectly normal. Sometimes it's an arm or a leg but sometimes it's both or all four. For me it was all anxiety and hyperfixation.