View Full Version : Bright red blood on tissue paper on and off for 6 years

25-07-21, 17:46
Hello im male and 26 years old, around when i was 19-20 i first had an issue with this which terrified me into thinking i had bowel cancer probably like a lot of us that suffer with bleeding when we go to the bathroom. Anyway i finally got the courage to go to the doctors in which he said it was unlikely to be anything serious but he couldnt tell me exactly what it was so he referred me to the hospital which obviously scared me. Anyway they did a sigmoidoscopy and told me i had anal fissures which was the cause of the bleeding and on and off pain i had been having. He said they didnt see any piles and basically to try some cream and if that doesnt heal them then i might need to have surgery which i did end up having. I had a check again after using the cream for weeks and it was still there and i was still getting the problem. So i went back we aranged the surgery which is like botox but the issue is it only last for a period of time. Anyway 6 years later im still having blood when i got to the toilet and pain sometimes and sometimes i dont get it and im having a particularly bad time with HA atm and im convinced theres something wrong again. Im not really sure what to do i guess i have to go back and ask for investigation again even though im pretty sure the sigmoidoscopy would of ruled anything sinister out. Has anyone else had long term bleeding when they have been going to the toilet. Im pretty sure the tears can just keep opening up due to bad diet and im pretty sure that is whats happening. Idk im jsut really depressed atm ive started taking anti depressents aswell to try and help with my depression and anxiety called Mirtaxipine. I was scared earlier cause i have not had the bleeding for a while but when i wiped i saw black specks on the paper which looked like dried blood which has scared me into thinking it might be something more serious. I know bowel cancer is very rare at my age its just if theres a chance like most of us i still think of the worse case. When i went again they wanted to do the surgery and the consultant basically said the risks probs arnt worth it and its better to just live with the problem if its not to painful.

25-07-21, 20:21
If it is fresh red blood it is from your anus.

What do you mean about bad diet? Are you constipated, and have you seen a dietician?