View Full Version : Put my mind at ease!

13-11-07, 15:36
I am suffering from anxiety but every so often i have this fear that im going to have a fit or seizure.

Last night i had an awful nights sleep due to twitching etc. and today i feel run down my muscles feel tired an on verge of seizure and my head feels like im loosing control and will have a fit!

in 9 weeks ive not had a fit but each time i think im definately going to have one.

I just noticed that my pupild were irratic when i looked in the mirror going small to large continuously. is this something i need to worry about orjust anxiety again!

ive had lots of blood tests and a brain scan which were all clear

let me know your thoughts please

13-11-07, 16:22
Hello Jon,

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time.

It sounds like typcial anxiety to me, what are you doing to calm your self down? Try some tea, and a warm bath hun.

I think once you have calmed down, your eyes will go back to normal, and you are going to be fine.

If you are real worried talk to your doctor.

B happy
13-11-07, 16:59
Hi jon
sorry to hear you are having abad time at the moment but you will meet ppl on this that will be able to put your mind at ease so keep intouch .
Good luck Sadly b:) :)

13-11-07, 17:34
Hi Jon and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

13-11-07, 17:39
Thanks for the posts! had a bath to chill b4 coming down to see what everyone has to say and i see the advice given by Believe was to have a bath!

fell better now. its the first time ive gone back to having those scary feelings i 4 wks its just so demoralising!

Hey ho keep going and try and distract myself for rest of evening!

thanks guys keep in touch!

13-11-07, 18:51
:) hi jon, do you actually suffer with seizures?

see youve said youve not had one in 9 weeks,so im assuming you have them and now they are making you panic incase you have another one?

my husband has suffered on and off since he was 14(now 35) with night fits so i have some experience with this. he has had a few while weve been together(after along break off his medication), but as soon as he gets back on his meds he is totally fit free.

sorry if you dont actually have fits!(if you dont then i would say they are just another reason to worry, ive been frightened of them myself, :wacko: although ive never had one but the fear of loss of control makes me worry about them, if youve never had one, youve got little chance of having one i think) if you do are they not controlled?


13-11-07, 18:56
thanks emma

No i havnt had a fit although about 6 wks ago i locked up and started shaking but never lost conciousness so this was prob anxiety and me believing i was having an attack.

Your so right i am 99% safe that i wont have a seizure however ive has some strange events during my sleep like massive twitching and panic.

Would i know if i had a seizure during my sleep? today i couldnt wake up and felt so drained and have been awful all day. hope an early night helps and 2 diazapam which is my rescue drug!

13-11-07, 19:08
:) you really would know if youd had a fit jon!!!! my husband cant function at all for the following day and he makes a mess of his mouth,all of his tongue gets mangled!!!

look, i worry about strobe lightsand computer games, but im challenging the one about computer games coz i like doing brain training:yesyes:

please,please dont worry about fits, youcannot control everything!!! all you can do is tackle your anxiety,ive been frightened about anything that could bring about a loss of control for years(agoraphobia is alot about worry of loss of control), but im getting so much better as i get older. there really is no point worrying about things you cant control!!!:wacko: im not saying pplshouldnt go to the docs if they have got health worries,but ppl who are panicking about health issues dont seen to realise that anxiety has masses of physical symptoms!!!! physical illnesses feel DIFFERENT to anxiety, and if your going to get sick,noamount of monitoring it can stop it,if your body gets sick you cant control it!! the best hting to do is work on your anxiety levels then you will start to feel more rational and be able to get things in perspective.


13-11-07, 19:21
Hi Jon

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

13-11-07, 19:25
Thanks again!

its interesting you mention control a few times as this is an area my psycologist is working on with me as i seem to be a person who has to control things of be totally fearful of them.

Comes from having a very stressful job and not being able to let go until i succeed!

Thanks for your thoughts though until this morning i thought id really made a big step towards being back to normal and todays been a real set back! heres to a good nights sleep.


13-11-07, 20:48
Hi Jon,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

13-11-07, 21:51
Hello Jon :welcome:to you!

Yep, classic anxiety (says doctor GG!) but you've found plenty of help here already so that's a great start!

I had disturbed vision when I was ill - my pupils were very small and mad my eyes look really weird.

Night panic is orrible, but I think as had already been said by emma that if you had a fit in the night you'd certainly know about it.

Try and get the adrenalin under control before you go to bed - bath, relaxing music, no intense tv or books etc.

Don't know if this will help, but worth a try?

Pleased to meet you!


14-11-07, 01:19
Hello Jon And Welcome To The Site......linda

14-11-07, 10:34
Hi there Jon and :welcome: to the site, you'll start to feel a lot better soon by chatting to other people with similar experiences on here.

take care xx

Pink Princess
15-11-07, 08:40
hi jon


take kare xx