View Full Version : Should I take a break from my laptop?

26-07-21, 22:31
I ask this because, ever since I've been unemployed due to the pandemic, being on my laptop, surfing the web, interacting on websites and forums, watching videos, looking at art, etc is all I've done. But I'm starting to think that, because its all I've been doing all day everyday at home, it might be the reason my anxiety has gotten bad lately, because I'm spending too much time on it. I'm not sure but is this something that can cause more anxiety? Thanks

Edit: Ok, its not something I do EVERY DAY. I do chill with my family during the weekends. I've just been doing every day I would normally be at work.

26-07-21, 23:11
I don't have the answers for you, but I think that the amount of time I spend looking at screens (phone, working on my laptop, tele, PlayStation) definitely has a negative impact on me.

It's actually something I'm trying to change at the minute.

27-07-21, 00:30
I am guilty of spending hours on my laptop and i find it can detrimental if i go on too long. I can become a bit OCD in my searches and relax more even when i watch a movie or documentary on my laptop and when i go out i can sit in coffee shops on my phone, so i am aware of my usage and the need to ration it .

I enjoy exercising outside and reading books and when i eventually do these hobbies they are way more fulfilling than scanning social media and searching constantly . The internet is very useful and informative but i think we all will admit to wasting time looking online obviously it relaxing when done in moderation , we have to use the internet for our daily life but when i see people walking along busy streets or cycling looking at their phone i think it has gone too far.

Over doing can definitely affect your mood it does affect mine and when i cannot get a signal or forget my phone is when i realise how reliant i am on as a crutch to block out the world sometimes . When i go hillwalking where their is no signal i seem to relax alot more and let my brain do some processing. I am sure it can be difficult to fill your day when unemployed so my advice is exercise and read more and get outside play sport, swim etc

I hope you find another job that would be a more permanent solution

27-07-21, 00:45
I used to post on 2 others forums, but now this is it for me. The other anxiety forum I was on is dead. I just left my computer tech forum, and I really feel something is missing and I miss it; but it was only increasing my agoraphobia. While I love to test and work with computers, anything that ties me to this computer chair and in the house is a danger to (what's left) of my sanity. I have to reduce things keeping me indoors or else I'll never go out. I didn't make it out all weekend (almost 2 weeks now inside) and every days it gets worse .. so yes, breaks are awesome. Don't have to give up totally, but limit your time. Hard I know that sometimes.

27-07-21, 08:03
My daughter has autism and OCD and finds that if she is on her laptop too much it can make her anxiety much worse as she is very suggestible to comments and articles which may not be factually correct. She also compares herself to neurotypical people her age who are more fortunate than she is in terms of what they are able to do and at what life stage they are at.

I think it's important to be selective and limit your amount of time spent online. It's a real addiction which easily takes a firm hold. Getting a decent routine is hard without a job though but I'd advise getting outside and enquiring about volunteer work in your area whilst you look for another paid job? It all looks good on a CV

27-07-21, 08:16
I ask this because, ever since I've been unemployed due to the pandemic, being on my laptop, surfing the web, interacting on websites and forums, watching videos, looking at art, etc is all I've done. But I'm starting to think that, because its all I've been doing all day everyday at home, it might be the reason my anxiety has gotten bad lately, because I'm spending too much time on it. I'm not sure but is this something that can cause more anxiety? Thanks

Edit: Ok, its not something I do EVERY DAY. I do chill with my family during the weekends. I've just been doing every day I would normally be at work.

Being on the laptop makes me physically ill, that's why you guys only usually get me in the morning. I've lapsed with that recently and I'm paying for it, believe me. :scared15:

Our brains were not designed to be staring at screens all day, so yes, unplug the buggering thing and get out into the fresh air. And that goes for me as well!

30-07-21, 17:26
Being on the laptop makes me physically ill, that's why you guys only usually get me in the morning. I've lapsed with that recently and I'm paying for it, believe me. :scared15:

Our brains were not designed to be staring at screens all day, so yes, unplug the buggering thing and get out into the fresh air. And that goes for me as well!

Bang on Nora!

30-07-21, 17:27
My daughter has autism and OCD and finds that if she is on her laptop too much it can make her anxiety much worse as she is very suggestible to comments and articles which may not be factually correct. She also compares herself to neurotypical people her age who are more fortunate than she is in terms of what they are able to do and at what life stage they are at.

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