View Full Version : feeling worthless

27-07-21, 08:22
Hi, i have been suffering with anxiety for a while now and i cant stop feeling worthless like i am a burden to everyone its got to the point where i have closed myself off from everyone and i hardly speak to people i have had really good relationships with. And because i get really bad anxiety talking to people about or expressing my emotions well i bottle everything up.

27-07-21, 08:24
Hi Liv,

No matter what your issues are, I can assure you that you're not a burden..

Do you want to elaborate a little more on what the problem is? Not much to go on with your post...

30-07-21, 17:24
I can totally relate to your concerns as I get similar feelings every now and then.

31-07-21, 08:46
I hate it when people post like this and then disappear...

I really hope this person is Ok..

12-08-21, 14:34
I'm feeling worthless today and wish I was arrested and my parents would disown me.

My dad had to come to pick me up from my day centre at lunchtime because I felt so terrible.

I'm having flashbacks to August 1991 when I had a massive argument with my dad (at the age of 14) of which I provoked him so bad he chased me around the house, and said to me 'in future it won't be me giving you a good hiding, it will be a policeman'!

Today I'm having fantasies about having confrontations with police officers and provoking them into giving me a good hiding, because I'm no good!

12-08-21, 17:09
You are good. You are a clever, kind, person.

Can you do things to keep you busy and distract yourself while you're feeling like this. I remember it being said in another thread that you have a medication to take when you're feeling particularly bad.

12-08-21, 17:15
You are good. You are a clever, kind, person.

Can you do things to keep you busy and distract yourself while you're feeling like this. I remember it being said in another thread that you have a medication to take when you're feeling particularly bad.

Which I have taken, plus I spoke to a lady from my local LD/MH team.

12-08-21, 18:09
August is a bad month for you, Lenco. There are so many triggers. The lorazepam will help you to a certain extent but talking to someone in your team will at least make the service aware that you need more support at this time.

Your dad was there to pick you up and take you home today. What happened 30 years ago happened to you as a 14 year old. You have not been able to forget it but your dad's words were just spoken in frustration and anger..They haven't come true at any time since then. He's come to your rescue today.

Fantasies aren't reality. The reality is that you are safe in your home with your family. No prison, no porridge.

This will pass like it did before, lenco.

12-08-21, 20:36
August is a bad month for you, Lenco. There are so many triggers. The lorazepam will help you to a certain extent but talking to someone in your team will at least make the service aware that you need more support at this time.

Your dad was there to pick you up and take you home today. What happened 30 years ago happened to you as a 14 year old. You have not been able to forget it but your dad's words were just spoken in frustration and anger..They haven't come true at any time since then. He's come to your rescue today.

Fantasies aren't reality. The reality is that you are safe in your home with your family. No prison, no porridge.

This will pass like it did before, lenco.

Whilst you said that my dad came to my rescue today, it was me that was the problem and not my day centre, plus I wasn't in danger there.

I have been feeling a bit triggered since yesterday over a report in the regional news about a unit for people with LDs/MH issues in the north-western part of Staffordshire which was a hotbed for abuse earlier this year but was closed down recently following the 'expose' and evidence from CCTV footage on the premises.

Unison have been angrily sticking the knife in because the staff lost their jobs due to the place closing.

Sorry, but had the staff there been doing their jobs properly and not being sadistic barstewards towards the poor clients/patients there, they would still be in work now.

Beggars belief, it really does, that Unison only care about the staff and stuff the welfare of the clients/patients.

I'm seriously willing to do porridge for those sadistic, conniving f***ing c***s, of which they would probably love and say 'Zero tolerance, I told you so'!

Bloody well get stuffed and go to hell, the lot of ya who worked at that hell hole!

N.B, I don't mean you Pulisa, please try not to take this personally. Plus you're a great help to me in times of distress.

13-08-21, 08:37
I appreciate that it wasn't anything to do with the day centre, Lenco. It was your anxiety which had got too much for you as a result of many triggers so your dad came to pick you up and take you home?

You're happy at your day centre I think? You're not under threat there? You're treated with respect and understanding?

13-08-21, 08:53
I'm seriously willing to do porridge for those sadistic, conniving f***ing c***s, of which they would probably love and say 'Zero tolerance, I told you so'!

You'd be triggered to shit in prison Len..

I'd stay away from the news at the moment if I were you...

13-08-21, 08:57
You'd be triggered to shit in prison Len..

I'd stay away from the news at the moment if I were you...

Already been there this morning (unfortunately) and copped hold of the headline about that lunatic nutjob doing another Hungerford in Plymouth yesterday.

The way I'm feeling right now I wish he would have done me as well!

I can sense riots brewing up right now and August 2011 all over again (not from me though).

13-08-21, 09:09
Already been there this morning (unfortunately) and copped hold of the headline about that lunatic nutjob doing another Hungerford in Plymouth yesterday.

The way I'm feeling right now I wish he would have done me as well!

Hubs left the TV on so I did hear something?

I understand you, believe me. I have all kinds of thoughts like this but I generally keep them to myself or Hubs would have me sectioned!

But you're triggering yourself delirious by watching the news Len. It's self harm. Turn it off. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.

13-08-21, 10:06
Hubs left the TV on so I did hear something?

I understand you, believe me. I have all kinds of thoughts like this but I generally keep them to myself or Hubs would have me sectioned!

But you're triggering yourself delirious by watching the news Len. It's self harm. Turn it off. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.

I am avoiding the BBC website and all other news outlets like the plague till this has all petered out and moved on to the next major headline.

A kind of 'deja vu' as the Hungerford massacre happened around this time back in 1987 and the maniac who shot all those poor folks dead also shot himself dead at the end of his killing spree, just like Michael Ryan, the perpetrator of the Hungerford atrocities, so could have been a possible 'anniversary' copycat incident.

I was only 10 at the time so still mostly oblivious to the news in general.

The BBC did say that said incident wasn't believed to be terror-related.

Almost a year ago, another deranged lone-wolf lunatic went on a frenzied stabbing rampage across Birmingham city centre, which again, wasn't believed to be terror nor gang-related.

That incident also scared me witless, especially being much closer to home, and the sheer thought of some nutjobs attempting copycat incidents by rampaging through Tamworth or Burton town centre brandishing lethal weapons of some sort.

Especially after the August 2011 riots suddenly went viral across the nation, partly thanks to (early) social media, but thankfully passed the entire county of Staffordshire by (including Stoke).

13-08-21, 12:20
I can just picture the usual hard-right rabble-rousers in the comments sections on The Scum and Daily Fail sites demanding the govt bring back the death sentence and school caning in the wake of this atrocity in Plymouth yesterday evening.

Definitely NOT the answer IMO.

The answer is more and better resources for persons with MH issues, not knee-jerk responses like a return to the extremely punitive and often barbaric practices of the past.

And I probably jumped the gun a bit myself (no pun intended) first thing this morning by automatically labelling the Plymouth gunman a 'lunatic', 'nutjob', 'maniac', etc willy-nilly, where it's likely serious MH issues were at play.

13-08-21, 13:47
Hubs left the TV on so I did hear something?

I understand you, believe me. I have all kinds of thoughts like this but I generally keep them to myself or Hubs would have me sectioned!

But you're triggering yourself delirious by watching the news Len. It's self harm. Turn it off. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.

You'll be attracted to the news but seriously....listen to Nora? There are so many potential triggers for you in this incident.

13-08-21, 15:58
You'll be attracted to the news but seriously....listen to Nora? There are so many potential triggers for you in this incident.

Ever since all the major atrocities of the 90s that I started becoming more aware of from the off (e.g, James Bulger, Dunblane, Columbine, etc), all I've heard in response has been 'Oh society today, we're all going to hell in a handcart', hang 'em, birch 'em, lock 'em up', etc.

Whilst these mass murders have all been evil and deplorable in the extreme, it's about time both the authorities and society at large started to come together and attempt to advocate proper long-lasting solutions to these great social evils, such as more spending and research on MH, and try to get to the bottom of these issues, rather than endless knee-jerk responses through collective condemnation of society today as a whole, and treating the symptoms rather than the underlying causes.