View Full Version : Emphysema/COPD

31-07-21, 13:36
So I use to vape marijuana until a week ago when I started feeling breathless and have a semi non productive cough at times with some phlegm. Now I feel breathless even at rest. I had a ct scan about 5 years back and it showed nothing to be concerned. But why I kept smoking was a bad idea. Now I feel I need another ct to prove if I am having emphysema or copd. I am scared I just gave myself a death sentence. The symptoms came on gradually for a week before I quit due to the burning that the machine was causing internally.

What should I do? I read a normal xray wont see it and I have a bad doctor that is difficult to handle. I called seeking a referral to a Respirologist will find out Tuesday if he listens this time. Could I have caused a fatal disease in this 5-8 year time frame? Scared I just lost my whole life. I am 33 years old male.

31-07-21, 13:38
I have a bad doctor that is difficult to handle.

Translation: I have a good doctor that recognizes my HA :whistles:


31-07-21, 15:02
Maybe so but I still think something more serious is happening. Been breathless for a few days (stopped vaping 2 days ago). The breathing started getting weird a few weeks ago. I should have stopped vaping at the first sign of breathing issues. Sorry I want it to be something temporary. I hope your right.

bin tenn
31-07-21, 15:11
This happens to me because of anxiety. Sometimes I don't feel like I have anything to be anxious about, and the breathlessness will be the first sign. Some time later I begin to actually feel worried/anxious about something. Deep breathing exercises usually help a lot to reset my breathing when I feel that way.

31-07-21, 16:33
thank you all for your help and input. It means alot. So worried I really messed up.

01-08-21, 05:56
is it possible that I caused copd/emphysema . I burnt my lungs bad from the vaping. Darn it I should have stopped on the first signs of breathless. Now Im going to die young :( argh why was I so stupid.

02-08-21, 15:05
anyone have opinions? I know this is not a medical place. Just looking for input. Maybe calm me down. I don't think its anxiety. I have a cough to with phlegm. I didn't think emphasema/copd came on acutely (I think thats the word)

02-08-21, 17:52
Honestly, I don't think anything I, or anyone else says will help you. Your health anxiety is spiralling and I really think that is more the problem than your chest.

Are you on medication? Are you talking to anyone?

02-08-21, 18:45
I take meds for sleep that help with my moods and mental issues.

03-08-21, 22:09
I just really need some reassurance. My dr is of no help, he still hast not called me to discuss this issue on hand. I just wonder if I have it or not now.

bin tenn
03-08-21, 23:29
I just really need some reassurance. My dr is of no help, he still hast not called me to discuss this issue on hand. I just wonder if I have it or not now.

It sounds like your doctor already did their part to ensure you don't have anything to worry about.

15-12-21, 14:32
Darn its happening again. I smoked a vape pen over the weekend and coughed up a lung. Been breathless since. Anyone know if this can be emphysema or copd? Dr only offers puffers but no testing. I am a 33 year old male and concerned. Im sorry for the bother, just want opinions. I wont be smoking again ever. I pray this is not copd or emphysema.

16-12-21, 09:46
So scared. I dont want to die so young

I see my Dr Tuesday early.

16-12-21, 22:29
What are you smoking in the vape pen? Marijuana or nicotine? If it’s nicotine, I also coughed a lot when switching from cigarettes to vapes. As the tar from the cigs left my lungs, the cough went away. But if it’s pot, you should probably just resign yourself to the fact that it affects your anxiety negatively, and to do it again, even once, will send you spiraling. This right here is what ultimately got me to get off meth over 20 years ago, and I never did it again. Do yourself a favor and give it up.

17-12-21, 06:31
Just dont understand being breathless with a cough. And the masks dont help. I won't smoke again. I hope it's not too late to prevent permanent damage. Thanks for the response it helps. The vape is pot. Just scared I caused perm damage. My dr only prescribes. Testing never happens. So if I have it I won't kno officially. Isn't it possible to have got it after a day of vaping. I had only quit for 6 months. I've smoked for many years.
Still breathless about a week after. I'm just praying its nothing serious. I dont think you can live long with emphysema.

20-12-21, 12:56
I am not sure how to convince my dr for testing but I will see him Tuesday. If he doesn't test me Im going to the hospitals to try to convince them to tst me

21-12-21, 15:23
they agreed to do an xray. I am nervous to do one due to all the xrays Ive had s done. Afraid of cancer from them all. I thought xrays were useless an that ct scans can only show emphysema early

22-12-21, 09:20
Not sure if I can go for the xray. Ive had so many cat scans and nuclear injections I really am scared to get cancer from those tests. I may just deal with the breathless and wait until it gets worse. Any opinions? He said do a xray to prove its nothing more then constant untreated asthma. He said a Respirologist wont see me unless the xray shows something serious.

22-12-21, 14:56
You don’t need to be concerned about getting cancer from an X-ray. The chance of cancer from that is so infinitely small. Your anxiety surrounding your breathing seems to be all consuming so I would recommend you get the X-ray for peace of mind. Having the amount of worry you are dealing with is no way to live.

Best wishes

22-12-21, 15:04
doctor google says that xrays wont show it. Not sure if I should push for other testing. Or will an xray show breathing problems if they are present. Thanks for all the input

22-12-21, 15:20
doctor google says that xrays wont show it. Not sure if I should push for other testing. Or will an xray show breathing problems if they are present.

If it's asthma a spirometry test will work that out. Any GP should be able to do that.

As for COPD it's wrong to conclude you can't live with it (not that I'm suggesting you have it) as it is graded. My mum has mild COPD and it's been years. There are no concerns and it's treated. So I think you are catastrophizing a bit here. Her mother has emphysema for a long time caused by manufacturing conditions when she was a young woman and she lived well into her seventies.

22-12-21, 16:19
If it's asthma a spirometry test will work that out. Any GP should be able to do that.

As for COPD it's wrong to conclude you can't live with it (not that I'm suggesting you have it) as it is graded. My mum has mild COPD and it's been years. There are no concerns and it's treated. So I think you are catastrophizing a bit here. Her mother has emphysema for a long time caused by manufacturing conditions when she was a young woman and she lived well into her seventies.
My mum had COPD for a long time too and died at 74, not from COPD.

23-12-21, 15:44
Thanks for the great input my friends :) It is re assuring. My breathing is getting better slowly but sureley. I think I just pissed my lungs off. My doctor only offers an xray. He says if that shows something then he will send me for a Respirologist (they offer the breathing tests) .
He also says they wont want to see me until I try puffers. I don't want puffers for asthma. Id only use treatment that helps me live longer. My family doctor is very difficult with referrals to specialists.I haven't gotten one yet out of him, just more pills and drugs.

Sorry for my poor english, I got a bad brain injury so I have a hard time writing.

26-12-21, 04:07
is it possible that I caused copd/emphysema . I burnt my lungs bad from the vaping. Darn it I should have stopped on the first signs of breathless. Now Im going to die young :( argh why was I so stupid.

Calm yourself mate with the whole oo no I’m going to die young. You just make your symptoms worse. I am a smoker and have been for 17yrs on and off (I confess more on than off) I do worry I’m going to get these 2 diseases and I have serious plans to quit. However as someone who has a mother with it let me tell you those diseases are slow creepers and almost never appear in someone our age (I’m 32) you sound like you have a slight viral infection with a healthy dose of anxiety. I find weed personally very unhelpful for anxiety. It sends my through the roof ! Stick to your quitting. Practise some health care and give yourself 2 weeks to re-assess how you feel

26-12-21, 18:23
all great input :) I have been getting better slowly but surely. Thanks for the calm down talk. I will make better choices now that I am getting better. Thanks again everyone you have been amazing help. My moms also said the same thing, copd does not just appear it hits you secretly. But says you can live a long life just with a little bit of suffering.