View Full Version : Diazapam

31-07-21, 18:50
Hi All, I am on 5 mg of diazapam 3 times a day, but I take 5mg about 5 am just before my adrenaline rush. It doesn’t stop the rush but takes the edge off, then about lunchtime I take 2.5, this usually lasts me till bed time. My doc put me on this as the 100 of sertraline & 37.5 of Venlafaxine wasn’t working. Does diazapam take away your anxiety, or does it make feel like you are in a stupor.

31-07-21, 18:58
Hiya Strat60 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

31-07-21, 19:28
Hi Emma, will do many thanks

01-08-21, 14:22
Welcome to NMP; Strat60..

I'm also on a benzo (clonazepan) 3 times a day and was able to cut back to 1/2 dosage (still 3 times a day) but recently my anxiety and agoraphobia has increased and I've need to up to dosage again ... ugh. Its a vicious cycle I know that. Perhaps the sertraline wasn't the best option and other medications could work. I'm actually struggling atm and my APRN wants me back on sertraline 150MG because I'm not doing well enough on the med I'm on.

Nuff bout me :)

I'm trying to do that same cutting it back when I can.

Good luck.

09-08-21, 18:00
Diazepam, like any benzo, is not a long term solution for anxiety. This being said, some people react to it very well, others not so much. I don't like benzos because they make me feel zombified. They do take away a lot of the anxiety but I am still ruminating and feel empty inside. Not to mention that they are addictive and most people need dose increases over time. If you ca, stay away from benzos as much as possible and explore other solutions.

09-08-21, 22:52
Diazepam, like any benzo, is not a long term solution for anxiety. This being said, some people react to it very well, others not so much. I don't like benzos because they make me feel zombified. They do take away a lot of the anxiety but I am still ruminating and feel empty inside. Not to mention that they are addictive and most people need dose increases over time. If you ca, stay away from benzos as much as possible and explore other solutions.If you can avoid a benzo, you're better off because they are had to get off; trust me. There is nothing worse than a benzo withdrawal.

I'm sorry you're also feeling empty; Double_Rainbow :(

06-09-21, 16:12
Many thanks

06-09-21, 18:27
I asked my GP if she would let me have diazapam . Her reply was NO. I take mirtazapine. One at night. They do help, it is a last resort as I have tried all the other antidepressants. It's just really bad when panic sets in. I stat panicing when I see Chrismas things in the shops already:ohmy:

06-09-21, 20:44
Yes but only because September equals Christmas in retail but who knows whether Christmas will "happen" as normal this year anyway?

Don't worry, Magic...Christmas is a long way off. We're only just having some Summer weather in the South!

I don't think diazepam is an evil drug if used appropriately. Pity GPs aren't clued up about the danger of prescribing long term opioids which they turn a blind eye to..

09-09-21, 19:00
Things are moving to fast for me. It's September!!!! Just booked a summer break to Llandudno. Lucky for me as I know some folk who cannot leave their house and do need a break. Well it was2018 when I last went to the seaside,and a lot of awful things have happened since then. Personally I don't think things will ever get back to normal .

If anyone can give me any tips about hair loss. Thank you.