View Full Version : Sunday Scaries

01-08-21, 22:30
Have this quite bad at the minute. Work related. Has been bothering me all day. Work is busy at minute, to the extent I'm not sure I can get done what I need to get done ilto meet deadlines. On top of that I'm worrying about work things I probably should worry about and also things I perhaps need not worry about. No panic attack, but just constant low-grade anxiety that's ruined my Sunday. Urgh!

I used to suffer with HA. Still get the odd phase of it but never had too much of an issue with GA / work anxiety. But it really starting to affect me and enjoyment of my wonderful family / life.

01-08-21, 22:47
Hi there, Sunday is always a bad day for worrying. That dreaded Sunday with work the next day- I am also there every week, so I know how you feel. I have always been a bit of a worry wart when it comes to work because I like to do my best and hate it when stuff piles up and becomes a bit out of control. The thing is though, you can only do what you can and I’m sure you have been told that before, right? Sounds obvious and easy to say but it really is true. You really can only do what you can. If there’s too much work, it’s not your job to come up with a solution. That is what your employer must do. The only thing you can do is flag the fact there’s a bit too much, because if you don’t, people will just keep piling it on. Speaking up has never been my strong point, but you do learn, because you must look after you! Family time and downtime is important and you need to make sure you have that. Everything has to come in balance. Please ensure you look after yourself. Everyone wants to do well, but remember an employer that listens and respects their staff results in a much more productive workforce. Try to switch off when you’re not working, spend time with your loved ones, friends, hobbies, make time for you. Worrying only brings on more worry, so give yourself a break and be kind to yourself. You will do just fine. ��

01-08-21, 22:58
Wow, that really helped. Thank you. Slight plot twist on story is that I'm self employed haha. I have tried to manage my own workload better but when its just you it's hard to balance enough to live on against personal wellbeing.

You are right though, I can only do what I can do and part of the worry is the feeling of letting people down or being seen as not bein good at what I do.

Sorry to hear you have the same issue. Any tricks that you find work to take your mind off it?