View Full Version : Internal shakiness/nervous feeling

02-08-21, 06:45
Hi All
Well I find myself here again seeking constant reassurance that I am suffering from anxiety - I am a real worried over my health concerns and have been for as long as I can remember but at the moment it just seems to be out of control. I am a 53 year old mum and have a fairly stressful job and have been on and off with various fears almost constantly since April. I truly believe it all spiralled with the whole Covid situation and I was terrified of being in a school environment as was so scared of catching it. During April I come down with a chest infection (not Covid) but having a very rare type of lupus that affects my skin started to worry lots. Basically I still stress over my cough and convince myself it is more but during this period I also spotted a brown mole looking patch on roof of my mouth and visited my doctor in absolutely panic and shakiness and she said it looked fine and lupus can sometimes cause this but they would watch for 2 months - I have also spoken to my doctor who said she is not concerned by this but this started the entire episode I can now find no way out of. I often have to go on oral steroids prednisolone for my skin condition and this plays havoc with my heartrate and am currently tapering down on these so know how it plays with me.

I have currently and have had for at least a week a constant nervous fluttery/internal shaky feeling almost constantly (I don’t stop looking for it constantly either) I feel like I am so nervous all the time - add to this my constant checking of my heartrate which jumps about massively and the whole clenching tongue to roof of mouth and although I tell myself it is anxiety I do not believe it and it just spirals. I do not sleep well as wake myself in a real panic and then the shakiness and heart rate are there instantly. I also make myself cough and sometimes clear my throat constantly. My partner says he can see me going down again but knows that all he can do is support until I start coming back up but then I think maybe this time there is something - I just find this so tiring and feel very down and depressed and find myself very tearful most of the time - help or advice anyone - I could write for ages about all the things I am worried about too

02-08-21, 06:56
Hey, how are you doing?

Just a question: have you spoken to your GP about your anxiety? They may be able to refer you on for therapy that might help.

02-08-21, 07:05
Hi BlueIris - I have spoken with the gp who did give me mirtazapine to help with sleep and calm me down but it made me feel awful and I gave up after 3 days as was unable to function at work

02-08-21, 07:21
I have currently and have had for at least a week a constant nervous fluttery/internal shaky feeling almost constantly (I don’t stop looking for it constantly either) I feel like I am so nervous all the time - add to this my constant checking of my heartrate which jumps about massively and the whole clenching tongue to roof of mouth and although I tell myself it is anxiety I do not believe it and it just spirals. I do not sleep well as wake myself in a real panic and then the shakiness and heart rate are there instantly. I also make myself cough and sometimes clear my throat constantly.

This sounds extremely like anxiety. The fluttery/internal shaking? That would be the fight or flight response and it sounds like you're feeling what I class as 'wired'? I tell my husband it feels like I'm 'plugged into the electrics'? Mouth tension is very common with anxiety. I clench my jaw and my tongue is invariably stick to the roof of my mouth (like right now) If you do some progressive muscle relaxation, you will see exactly where your body holds tension..

You won't be able to sleep well if you have anxiety because anxiety means that the fight or flight response is constantly being triggered. Your body is in sympathetic mode all the time and when you think about it - how likely is that you could go to sleep if you were to come face to face with a grizzly bear in your bedroom? In your case, there is no grizzly bear, but your brain doesn't know this and it will respond exactly as it's meant to - which is to prepare you to run or fight. Or freeze if you're like me..

I don't think it's a good idea for people to get stuck into a cycle of running to the GP for every symptom - however - medications can cause (or worsen) these type of symptoms so it's worth speaking to your GP re your medication for alternatives..

Heath anxiety when you have a physical medical condition is tough, I think, because you have to overcome the anxiety condition itself and come to terms with your physical health. I have FMS and while it's not serious like Lupus is, it is a very painful condition and is life changing. I'm still struggling to adapt and that means I am pushing myself when I shouldn't be - and that's problematic. I'm considering some therapy to help me come to terms with the fact that my old life is gone so I'd say that you need therapy to address both your issues, as in, the physical one and the mental one..

Also, your age... 53. That's prime menopausal age and this could also be contributing to these symptoms as many women develop anxiety around this time..

02-08-21, 07:59
This sounds extremely like anxiety. The fluttery/internal shaking? That would be the fight or flight response and it sounds like you're feeling what I class as 'wired'? I tell my husband it feels like I'm 'plugged into the electrics'? Mouth tension is very common with anxiety. I clench my jaw and my tongue is invariably stick to the roof of my mouth (like right now) If you do some progressive muscle relaxation, you will see exactly where your body holds tension..

You won't be able to sleep well if you have anxiety because anxiety means that the fight or flight response is constantly being triggered. Your body is in sympathetic mode all the time and when you think about it - how likely is that you could go to sleep if you were to come face to face with a grizzly bear in your bedroom? In your case, there is no grizzly bear, but your brain doesn't know this and it will respond exactly as it's meant to - which is to prepare you to run or fight. Or freeze if you're like me..

I don't think it's a good idea for people to get stuck into a cycle of running to the GP for every symptom - however - medications can cause (or worsen) these type of symptoms so it's worth speaking to your GP re your medication for alternatives..

Heath anxiety when you have a physical medical condition is tough, I think, because you have to overcome the anxiety condition itself and come to terms with your physical health. I have FMS and while it's not serious like Lupus is, it is a very painful condition and is life changing. I'm still struggling to adapt and that means I am pushing myself when I shouldn't be - and that's problematic. I'm considering some therapy to help me come to terms with the fact that my old life is gone so I'd say that you need therapy to address both your issues, as in, the physical one and the mental one..

Also, your age... 53. That's prime menopausal age and this could also be contributing to these symptoms as many women develop anxiety around this time..

Thank you Nora B means so much to know that I am not alone - I just don’t understand why it is 24/7 every single day 🥲. I had defo considered the menopause making worse but I had breast cancer too at 39/40 years old and had chemotherapy so never properly went back to having periods - they said given my age my body would return or at least try but I have not had a period since 2014 and before that they were almost non existent so I would have thought probably not but on my last visit to gp I spoke about my hair falling out and she immediately said menopause and said I could still be going through it as it was my age - just another stress with the hair dropping - the list really is endless at the moment 😳😩🥲

02-08-21, 08:55
Thank you Nora B means so much to know that I am not alone - I just don’t understand why it is 24/7 every single day 沈. I had defo considered the menopause making worse but I had breast cancer too at 39/40 years old and had chemotherapy so never properly went back to having periods - they said given my age my body would return or at least try but I have not had a period since 2014 and before that they were almost non existent so I would have thought probably not but on my last visit to gp I spoke about my hair falling out and she immediately said menopause and said I could still be going through it as it was my age - just another stress with the hair dropping - the list really is endless at the moment 沈

With anxiety, stress hormones are being released throughout the day (and night) so the body doesn't ever settle down. Do you see? And once the body becomes sensitised - it takes a while for the system to settle back down and you need to help yourself by not adding any stimulants to the mix - so be mindful of everything you ingest - body and brain!

I've shed a lot more hair than before I hit the meno. Luckily for me, I had very thick hair and a lot of it. These days it's much finer but there's still a lot of it and my hairdresser still whinges about her arm aching when she's blow-drying it lol

The menopause is about hormone imbalance. Combine this with anxiety and it gets messy. Symptoms are relentless but some woman suffer harder, and longer, than others.

Has your GP done an FSH test to see what's happening with your hormone?

HRT can be helpful but I've never been able to take it because I have a cancer risk (ovarian) so I have had to look for natural options..

What's a typical day diet wise for you?

02-08-21, 10:08
With anxiety, stress hormones are being released throughout the day (and night) so the body doesn't ever settle down. Do you see? And once the body becomes sensitised - it takes a while for the system to settle back down and you need to help yourself by not adding any stimulants to the mix - so be mindful of everything you ingest - body and brain!

I've shed a lot more hair than before I hit the meno. Luckily for me, I had very thick hair and a lot of it. These days it's much finer but there's still a lot of it and my hairdresser still whinges about her arm aching when she's blow-drying it lol

The menopause is about hormone imbalance. Combine this with anxiety and it gets messy. Symptoms are relentless but some woman suffer harder, and longer, than others.

Has your GP done an FSH test to see what's happening with your hormone?

HRT can be helpful but I've never been able to take it because I have a cancer risk (ovarian) so I have had to look for natural options..

What's a typical day diet wise for you?

Hi - I also cannot have HRT due to the previous breast cancer - my diet is not the greatest and I do not eat much meat - particularly picky at the moment so wouldn’t say I have a regular good diet 😩

02-08-21, 10:25
With anxiety, stress hormones are being released throughout the day (and night) so the body doesn't ever settle down. Do you see? And once the body becomes sensitised - it takes a while for the system to settle back down and you need to help yourself by not adding any stimulants to the mix - so be mindful of everything you ingest - body and brain!

I've shed a lot more hair than before I hit the meno. Luckily for me, I had very thick hair and a lot of it. These days it's much finer but there's still a lot of it and my hairdresser still whinges about her arm aching when she's blow-drying it lol

The menopause is about hormone imbalance. Combine this with anxiety and it gets messy. Symptoms are relentless but some woman suffer harder, and longer, than others.

Has your GP done an FSH test to see what's happening with your hormone?

HRT can be helpful but I've never been able to take it because I have a cancer risk (ovarian) so I have had to look for natural options..

What's a typical day diet wise for you?

Hi - I also cannot have HRT due to the previous breast cancer - my diet is not the greatest and I do not eat much meat - particularly picky at the moment so wouldn’t say I have a regular good diet 😩

03-08-21, 19:08
Hi shazbog, sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch. Just wanted to let you know I too experience this internal trembling/vibrating and external shaking and I have for the last 12 years every time I'm going through a period of high stress particularly due to worrying about my health. It's quite distressing but it should leave you be once that stressful patch is behind you. If you're concerned of course see your GP as you have already. If the cause/part of the cause is anxiety you can change your breathing in order to calm down the nervous system which will reduce the deployment of hormones that may be contributing to the problem, I'll link a short video that quickly and efficiently explains the technique and you can start practicing as soon as you want.

All the best.