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03-08-21, 16:53
So I saw my doctor today about my tailbone pain and peeing frequency. He checked my urine and there were higher than normal white blood cells. He prescribed me an antibiotic on the basis of the probability of it being prostate inflammation or a UTI.

I'm convinced that it's prostate cancer, as I have been peeing a lot for a few years now. But I'm 33 so the idea is perceived as ludicrous.

The antibiotic is supposed to go for 2 weeks. That would be 2 weeks of having to wait until I can just get my prostate checked by a urologist.

I'm not doing well.

05-08-21, 02:47
Hello! I'm sorry you are going through this. I know absolutely nothing about prostate cancer (in part because I don't have the right equipment to worry about it), but I understand how it would be worrisome for you.

I deal with recurrent UTIs and the like, and I have to pee a lot because of them. I also pee a lot when I am anxious (like when I need to make a long road trip since I don't like driving). I also seem to pee a lot when I am focused on bladder issues. Also if I drink more water than usual. So it is possible that these more benign things are also responsible for your greater peeing frequency. Try to focus on the least serious and most likely causes first, and see if your symptoms improve with antibiotics.

As for the 2 week wait, maybe try to limit Google and avoid anything relating to prostate cancer? Maybe try to get your mind to focus on other things; like a good book, baking, cooking, whatever hobbies and interests that you may have. Just try to keep preoccupied so that your mind doesn't spiral back to health worries. That is probably easier said than done.

05-08-21, 05:39
Yeah the biggest reason why I never checked in with a doctor about my peeing frequency before was largely due to the reasons you described. Things like anxiety, my age and how much water I drank put me at ease enough to generally not panic over it.

But now that I'm getting tailbone pain and pressure all around the pelvic area, the thought of having let something spread this whole time causes my anxiety to get out of control.

06-08-21, 21:33
I can definitely see why that would make you anxious. I'm sorry I can't be of better help!

07-08-21, 00:37
Turns out everything I'm experiencing relates much much more to nonbacterial prostatitis, or chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

People with psychiatric disorders like anxiety tend to get it.

Lucky me.

07-08-21, 13:23
O/K here i can offer help,i have had prostate cancer.
I believe if your doctor thought for 1 minute that you had prostate cancer,he would have stuck his finger up your rear end, by doing this he can tell if your prostate is the shape and size it should be.If in any doubt he will order a psa blood test,this is a specific antigen test,if the number from the test is high,he will order a biopsy and or a scan.
In my mind you are doing the right thing prostate cancer can be cured,up to now i am 6 years since diagnosed and have been told i am clear of stage 3 cancer.
To my mind non of your symptoms say prostate cancer,i have always peed a lot and still do,i hope this helps you Stars we always think the worst about health anxiety that is why i am also on here.
Good luck to you.

20-08-21, 00:42
Thanks for the response!

It turns out however, that I have a condition called "Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome" also known as Nonbacterial Prostatitis. I had the prostate exam done confirming prostatitis instead of cancer or BPH.

This isn't a very pleasant thing to be diagnosed with however, as it requires quite a bit of lifestyle changing and has a potential to become debillitating. Strangely enough, anxiety disorder (and specifically the muscle and nerve tension that comes with it) tends to be one of the causes for the development of the condition.